Here is live version of the beat tape material I posted a while back.
OT and MD live jam with modular and OP1 sampled.

This is first one of few tracks. Might put them as EP in some point. Would welcome any comments and feedback.


no sound here good buddy… could be SC is forked? i can see your wave and it’s playing, but no sound… yeah just checked my own stuff, no sound.

will check back when the internet is fixed!

I’m into this. I like those distorted drum sounds, and the general fuzzy vibe. The chord that starts at 2:00 is sweet. Really dig the vocal sounds that come in too.

One thing that could be cool: having it build up further and maybe bringing in another melodic element. But I’m predisposed toward poppy stuff. In any case, I definitely want to hear the EP!

must be a Safari issue, still couldn’t hear anything, tried Firefox and i’m in business again. :joy:

love the lofi vibe, lots of great sample syncopation, nice hypnotic main theme rides well under everything, thumbs up koshi, good stuff! :+1:

Thanks guys!

@Jamrod you are spot on with building it up further. Its only one pattern on each machine at the moment. I think I can do better take as well.

Vocal like sounds are actually OP1 synths, same sample is used all the way just different processing. I really enjoy MD’s BRR on it.
Will post more once I get round to recording it.

Cheers for listening!