Hi octas,
What i want to do is:
Record a minute of live playing via pickup-machine (the first master one) and have everything in sync with the prearranged beat on the master tempo
Problem in short is:
Record a minute live playing a songstructure over a minute over a preprogrammed beat/sounddesign (verse, refrain, break). This ends up in a number of bars, that is not within a common grid (like 16/32/64 measures). i stop liverecording (with sync to octatracks) and the problem: the octatrack changes the tempo of the preprogrammed beats, if i am not within a 4/4-grid (16/32/64 measures).
i had different results, that sometimes work, like:
- set pickup-machines to flexible
- turn on and off QREC and QPLY
but i mostly endup with a tempo-master-change. and i dont get the point how i can fix this?
Does anyone of you longterm pros have a hint for me?
Thanks in advance