Beat match technique on OT? Amen, breaks, etc

Hi all. I have drum loops with designated bpms to make things easy, but what about when i change tempos? I’ve tried activating “Beat Time stretch” in SRC Setup, but the only thing that works is Rate: TSTR & TSTR: OFF. When I change bpm from 120, My sampled amen/breaks go out of sync. What’s a full proof technique to sample amen/breaks and be able to use any tempo? I know I could slice each drum hit, but I would like to keep the original/uncut groove of the amen/break. A tutorial or explanation would be massively appreciated. Thank you!

Timestrech is on by default,
you should be able to load the drum loop and change the tempo without doing anything.
Have you switched off timestrech in the attributes menu or something?


Yes, should work by default in a new project.
What’s the displayed tempo in AED > ATTRIBUTES?


You can use time stretch if you want. Or you can have time stretch off, slice the break into 8th notes and pitch up by ear.

Sounds way better to my ears. Thats how I do it.


I use the old school technique on my DT : pitch up or pitch down until the kick and snare hit the right trig.


I use beat math techniques. :content:

Possible to calculate what pitch to assign a sample to match project tempo?