Bass and chromatic pitch

that would explain it, thanks!

I know it’s not the same topic but just for the noobs like me:
Had Problems with singlecycles in c to get in tune until i found out that start/end points (obvious) and bit reduction (less obvius for me) killed the tuning :wink:

Do you think calibrating the AR could get the drums to tune more accurately?

And yes, finetuning in the synth drum sounds would be a welcome parameter addition.

Has anyone been brave enough to calibrate yet?

In analog, that’s a C. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:[/quote]
Yeah, but to be fair, my other analogues have a fine-tuning dial.


i did a calibration by accident as soon as i got it :confused:

i don’t have a means of testing if the notes it’s playing are perfectly in tune, but calibrating had no negative effect on my machine whatsoever, if this is what worries you.

Don’t be shy about calibrating, I’ve done so with my A4 and Tempest on several occasions.

When calibrating the Rytm, first have it powered on for 2 hours in order to warm up to a typical working temperature.

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@ /mr

If the it’s properly calibrated should we expect the AR to be in tune and track correctly in chromatic mode?


So I warmed up the AR for 3 hours this morning and then performed the calibration. Everything went smoothly and took less than 10 minutes.

The good news is the basic pitch via the trig button is now 65.29Hz! Close enough to C2!

The bad news is the tracking is still all over the place in chromatic mode. C2 is fine but C#2 is flat and the notes get more flat as you go up. C3 essentially plays B2.


Well, that is pretty bad indeed. I was referring to global pitching being quite approximate for drums, but the tracking across the wholw chromatic range should definitely be linear across all pads. If it isn’t, could we get it sorted ?

Yes, chromatically playing the synth engines doesn’t track accurately. Currently only samples do. This is fine if you’re using just samples but if you’re layering synths and samples then they drift out of tune.

Hope this gets fixed. Makes the chromatic mode almost useless.

Yes. Yesyesyesyes. Please, elektron, fix this.

I have a support ticket open on this from a few weeks back. I checked in about it yesterday and was asked to be patient that they are working on it.

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I just got a response from Olle

I got an answer from the developers that this was not a quick fix and that
it will take some time.

We are sorry for this.



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Brought this back from the dead, since it’s something that immediately hit me in the head after I received my Rytm and turned on the unit…

Really, really hoping for a fix. An instrument should be in tune, right?