Basic Digitakt question

I was watching an Octatrack vid where they had a long sample automatically sliced across multiple trigs. For example, if the sample was a measure long it would put beat 2 on trig 5. Can the Digitakt do this?



On version 1.50 you can do that using slice machine, but it’s hella finicky. For one thing, you really need to either record the sample right into the DT from the inputs using a fixed length recording condition, or you need to be really precise with the sample you import into DT, if it doesn’t need to be precise you can get away with it but anything where it depends on a sample of humans playing music (like samples from vinyl) it could sound off, just because humans don’t always play perfectly on the beat.

Your best bet is just watch a couple youtube videos about using slice machine and then try it out, it’s confusingly explained in the manual but it’s easier to at least watch someone explain it for 20 minutes than to spend an hour trying to first process the written instructions.

You’ll have to select the length of the sample based on the length of your pattern and there’s a way to place slice 1 on the first trig (step) you lay it on, and then have subsequent slices on every trig for the duration of your pattern. So, to make it easy, if the sample plays for a duration of 16 steps, and you place it on trig 1, then trig 5 will be the 2, trig 9 will be the 3 etc. It will automatically lay them out for you, or you can select individual slices and lay them where you want by selecting the corresponding slice number when laying something on a trig.

This is why I say it’s better to watch a video about it, it just sounds like you’re going around in circles when you explain how it works, but that’s the gist of it.


Here’s an example

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One thing I do with every auto slice sampler is just chuck stuff in there and see what I get. With drums, I first get them looping with the pitch machine. But everything else is the Wild West for me. I have gotten awesome ideas this way.

The other thing I do when I want tighter chops is i plock the trig I want and mess with the resolution. That has worked quite well for me when I want variation. It’s super fast too.

But for drums, pitch machine than resample is your friend. I love that thing.

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Is this something I’d be able to do while performing (sample live, slice, improvise) or is it more of a studio thing to prep samples for later use?

You can do it for live use. Watch the video how quick it is and he literally is doing it live.

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It’s awesome and you can do lots of cool mischief with it

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You can p-lock a series of one shots on a grid based sequence, then resample. Good to go in slice mode. Not sure if the videos covered this as I only skimmed.



digitakt fuckin rooolz!!! :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: