Barfunkel's OT + found sounds album progress thread

So, I decided to make a little album, using nothing but an Octatrack and some random found sounds, sampled from nonmusical sources.

In this topic you can follow the making process.

The first track is made out of some washing machine samples:

The second track uses nothing but that annoying Facebook notification sound:

The third track will feature the shower. That should be a fairly easy, it’s almost instant ambient with some delay and reverb.

thanks for posting your progress. Interesting results. Make sure you include some kitchen sounds. Just doesn’t seem right to have household sounds without the nostalgia of the kitchen spammers… :slight_smile:

nice music!
keep on :sunglasses:

I sampled 30 seconds of the shower and spent about 30 minutes on this one:

It’s still a bit unfinished and a bit boring I suppose.

Here’s the next one. Some could say it’s a bit (ok, a lot) tasteless, as it’s made out of a sample of me urinating. Not forcing anyone to listen to it!

The bass is basically just some 50hz rumble and probably inaudible to laptop speakers and such.