Barfunkel - Dub Techno Exploration vol 2

Another dubby techno track.

No Ambika this time, only OT, A4 and Big Sky.

Minimalist greatness. Love the sounds and white noise washes on this. Awesome work. I really like the vocal sampled panned left… it would be nice if there was something of equal presence on the right channel for balance.
L8r man,

Not a bad idea. I didn’t actually pan it on purpose like that, it’s just a little sample from an obscure old vinyl record and it’s naturally panned that way. I was just too lazy to make it mono lol.

Nice track and as already mentioned the vocal snippet creates an interesting atmosphere

this is great! are you using that little boss mixer with this? (think i seen you post something on gearslutz about said mixer :slight_smile: )

Nice chunky bass…

Dig it man, this is really cool.

The Boss is not the mixer in this one. A Soundcracft EPM12 is.

Love the Boss though, but currently I have everything connected to the EPM.

Digging this one amigo. Making me want a big sky in the worst way… :wink: