Autumn brings the dubtech mood

2nd weekend with the A4 and you heare it’s november.

ot: vinyl crackle, master for the combo and gives midi for shruthi-1
a4: chord, bassdrum, reversed hihat and one more atmo sound
shruthi-1: piano pling
md: sharp hihat

:heart: exploring sounds with fiddeling the machines

… and your interpretation?

snow, no … stronger kick, no … better arrangement, no

But more and more fun

It might have been your intention, but I would had preferred a stronger kick. MUCH stronger, right now it’s barely audible. Alternatively, leave the whole kick out and make it an ambient piece.

Otherwise it was pretty nice! Good mood to it.

Thanks for listening & giving a comment. You might be right. But with headphones or a sub I can here the bass in a soft way. And my intention was to bring the bassdrum in the background.

Haven’t listened to the track yet, but a lot of dub techno has softer kicks that kind of melt in with the mood of the piece.

EDIT: yup just listening to it now (on headphones mind you), and you’ve got the “heart-beat” style kicks I often hear on dub techno, nice track by the way.

This one from Vanderson is great:

Nice chill track! I like it a lot. Nice stuff on your Soundcloud too man!

My humble feedback would be to introduce a new sound or two and/or evolve the pattern a little after each “chorus”. Nothing drastic. Just a tickle. :+1:

Oh yeah, the kick in this track sounds fine to me. Very audible on my KRK studio monitors.

I thoroughly enjoyed the track. Regarding the comment about adding something after the chorus, perhaps, but all that’s required is a subtle change. You don’t need to keep adding, you can subtract, or change the elements that are playing… so you only ever have no more than 6 sounds. The cool thing about subtracting is it brings forward elements that are often hidden such as tom drums etc… most of the time you don’t notice the toms too much until the basslines are muted, as the often share similar frequencies.

Just doing minor adjustments per phrase usually yields cool results. Some of my favorite techno videos lately are guys rocking a single ESX on youtube, and they’ll just tweak a single pattern, and nothing more is required.
Such as phrase 1 KD HH RS CP Synth1
phrase 2 KD HH OH CP Synth1
Phrase 3 KD OH CP Synth 2 etc…

On a positive note, the actual sound quality of your recording is increadbile. When I started listening to your tracks, I wouldn’t have guessed that you were new to the gear. The mixes are pretty solid.

Regarding the kick… I like a quiet dubby 808 style kick sometimes:)


Thank you for all your comments. Yes you are right, there is less happening in the “arrangement”.
I program 1 or 2 patterns and then only muting some tracks and twisting some knobs when I record a session from the main outs of ther OT with a fieldrecorder per line-in.

Mixing is all done with quiet good headphones and listening with my ears.

Not having enough time is my biggest problem. I have only the mood playing the instruments at weekend. I started making music with buying the OT last august and thought very often about, but never get managed to play during the working week :disappointed:

But when I play … my soul gets healed :heart: There is so much more to discover :slight_smile:

I’m in the same boat as you man. I only jam on the weekends. I’ve got a job, a wife, 2 young kids… so music can only occupy a portion of my life. But… it is a VERY important thing. Playing with hardware and making techno is fucking fun and extremely healing.
I totally enjoyed your track… and I have to be honest. Feel free to share your music, we all want to hear it, but don’t worry to much about seeking advice or listening to others comments. Just have fun… this is for you after all:) Do what sounds right to you, I’m sure a lot of people will take pleasure in your musical discoveries and experiments:)
L8r bro,


Good track, good statement, nice sounds.

Update 1st day 2014

And happy new year to all of you

agree. playful calming & uplifting.