Audiopuncture - Analog Four Tracks

hi there, here are some of my analog four jams:

Rough, unpolished and i like it! Nice work!

Danke fürs reinhören! :wink:

Very nice synth sounds! The kicks miss a little oompf imho, but the rest is awesome. Maybe you should add an AR :slight_smile:

hey man, thx for listening.
sure, the AR would be nice to have, but there is always the moneyproblem -_-

i really like tracks that originate from one machine. they always feel greater than the sum of their parts. nice work.

Thx kirlian! At the moment I really enjoy working on the A4 only as it is no big hassle to jam where you like…

Recorded yesterday a A4 only jam, bit more harder techno:

Little jam with the Analog Four.
Style: Downtempo/Breaks/Acid/Techno

Some Drum&Bass with the A4 and the Korg ES-1.

I’ve managed to get some very nice kicks from the A4, with no post-processing.

Some jamtracks with the A4 and the Volca Sample…

These are great!! Thanks for sharing- Particularly the first one. A4 is sounding great.