Audio in config


Does anyone know how to configure the audio In with the AR?

We’ve connected the A4 to our Minitaur (via midi) and want to use the AR’s side chain on the minitaur via audio in but can’t find the audio in routing parameters on the AR.


As far as I can tell there are no controls for external in. You need to adjust the volume at the source. It is then combined with the AR and fed to the compressor and then output. You can’t use the ext input as a sidechaining signal. Not yet anyway.

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speaking of audio in with AR…

can it record (ext.) audio in from a mic and loop it?
in a reggie watts kinda way lets say.

cant seem to find much about audio in/recording.

here some reggie:

No. The AR has no means to sample audio. If you have an iPad, check out the soon-to-be-released app called Strom, which will act as an audio-recording companion to AR.

thanks peter!

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