Audible click/pop at start of live flex recorders

Hi, ive been using the OT’s input pairs for my MD and A4
using flex recorders seems the best way to do this is i can apply fx and mess about with the sequence in realtime,

However ive always noticed that if you listen to the flex recorder track on its own taht you can hear a distinct pop/click everytime it loops,

Yes ive tried to adjust amp page settings, to no avail,

This problem is making me re-thing my whole set-up,

I like having the other machines going through the ot for the fx, delay, sample cut up, and ease of mix, plus the simplicity of having one stereo out for live gigs,

But the pops and clicks are starting to get on my tits

(especially noticable on a bassline, )

any other feedback regarding this???

Have you tried to put a little amount of FIN in the Recorder Setup Page 2?

Also remember that you are sampling a live input, so the so-called zero-crossing of the sampled waveform will not occur always…better…it’s really unlikely to happen.

So, Amp page settings will not help you out, because the issue is in the sample

Cheers Sic, yes i tried all that
Infact its always been present, but only noticable if i solo the input track
Maybe its not that important, but it still sucks

Possibly using thru - tracks would be better, but less manipulable

No-one ou there bugged by this, is it just me?

If everyone was experiencing pops and clicks with all their sampling, it would have been mentioned a lot both here and the old forum. It may be a particular combination of level, source material, recording method, other params, etc.

Is the pop at the start, end, or only when it loops? IOW - if you turn looping off and just listen to the sample, is it clean or has a pop/click been recorded?

ODG - its when it loops, and im continuously sampling so im never actually taking the sample,
Im gona try using through machines, to see if the click goes away
I had previously tried switching loop off, and the fdin out parameters, again to no avail
Ill mess about some more and see if a solution appears
I just presumed it was a default problem that everyone had to deal with

Its possibly much more noticeable on certain sounds, pretty sure you wouldnt notice on the drums for example,

Also if i stop the A4 and then just sample silence into the flex recorders, there is still the click/pop everytime it loops
(actually thats when i first really noticed it)

Sampling silence is a good test case. I’ll try some things out in the morning and see what happens.

I do a lot of (re-)sampling of drönes and txtures and I know this can be a real vibe murderer.

I always seem to get acceptable results when setting the FIN and FOUT values to 0.063. It’s a little rougher than some of my loopers (i wish there was a finer adjustment to FIN/FOUT), but it’s definitely not a “click”, more like a tiny “dud” or micro-lapse. In a mix I usually leave it as is, and if it’s too there, I’ll crop the fades a tad at zero-crossings. That usually leaves them real silky.

When I sample silence I get no audible clicks whatsoever, regardless of fade settings, either for the inputs or internal resampling. I’ve cranked it up pretty good in post and I can’t detect anything.

The octa is sensitive to being slaved, and is then somewhat prone to timing hiccups, which could translate to offset sampling sync. Make sure the Octa is master, or just try sampling the audio without MIDI sync, see if the problem remains.

cheers for the feedback
Yep the OT is always master,
Ill try un slaving the other guys to see if it changes anything, but even if it did it wouldnt solve the problem as they need to be slaved (what a dog eat dog world MIDI is!)

OGG - thanks for the modification, id always misread your name as Old Dear Guy,
and had somewhat sympathised with you !! :slight_smile:

Cool. Yeah, just do it to troubleshoot. It SHOULDN’T be a problem.

That said, the octa has some interesting/frustrating jitter to it. If you work with generative PM/FM type stuff you can get freakish self-oscillation happening even when the sequencer isn’t running. Or, you can get tracks leaking inexplainably before firing up their own sounds. I also seem to remember getting noise with clicks a bit like you’re describing, in some context - but not during sampling. I can try reproducing it, however that would seem unlikely.

If nothing seems to remedy it, try zooming in at the start/end points and have a look. Maybe we can compare waveforms/settings.

Hi guys, I had the same problem. In particular when recording pads.
Basically the problem seems to be that the left and right channel doesn’t have the same audio information. So you have to chose
the zero crossing point for one of the two.

I found a workaround to this.

Basically instead of recording a stereo pair with one record machine, you just use two recording machines, one recording “a” (left) and one “b” (right).

Now you will set the start and and point to zero crossing points independently for both the flex machine.

Then you pan the two flex machine one hard left and one hard right.
So you recombine them together.

The sound will now have no clicks or pops and you can resample the sound into a third recording machine.

Hope this is going to help you.
