At Rest - A Time-Lapse Movie by Nedavine

As you may or may not know, over the past two weeks I have been putting on my warmest of clothes and heading out into the cold and bitter night with my camera and tripod in hand. The result of this, aside from my cracked and worn hands and chilled bones, is this short time-lapse movie.

If you don’t know what time-lapse is, put simply, it is a collection of photographs shot in succession to create a moving image. Like stop animation but with scenery I guess.

This is my first attempt at such a thing, and is by no means all that good but seeing as its now up on the newly created I felt I would share. This is the first time I’ve managed to complete a project that required so much patience. The opening shot alone took an hour and 30 minutes to film. As I am a man of instant gratification it was great to practice being a little more patient. Anyway, enough rambling. Please try to watch it in 1080 on a big screen. There is a lot of detail in the photos that is lost on smaller resolutions.

I am planning to film one in Tokyo very soon so expect to see more of these.


very, very cool.

top work - love the tune too. :+1:

Really enjoyable :+1:

Thank’s guys. I hope to start filming some new stuff soon. Maybe even a bit of live action. It’s been nice too, having a little break from writing music.

Great job! Really beautiful, and I think the music complements the visuals well. Can’t wait to see the Tokyo video.

What are the strings/paper hanging on the line?

And what did you use to make the sounds for this?

I like how the shadows and light flicker. I loved those quiet parks in the middle of the city from the times I visited Tokyo.

At least write the soundtrack music!
Do some Haruki Murakami inspired shorts.
Just my suggestions.

They are called 紙垂 (Shide). They are used in shinto shrines. They are supposed to be lightning rods. Obviously the workings of Raiden…

Never read Murakami.

nice, i really enjoyed it. well done :+1:

Lovely film and music both, Ned – thanks for the share. Felt like I was out walking through latenight Okayama again.

Excellent vibes sir! Video + audio is gluing together real well.

Keep em coming

Wow! That was great! The music and the video fitted really well together. Enjoyed this a lot!

Thanks guys. Really appreciate all the kind words.

Beautiful work man. Is that mostly stuff around Fukaya (I dont remember how to spell it)?

Ive been there and definitely has the elektron vibe :slight_smile:

Nicely done! I love time-lapse videos, and your music fits in nicely!

Yeah, everything was within cycling distance. It’s a pretty ugly town but it does have its nice spots.

I agree — Great work, visually as musically.

Nice work. The video and audio go really well together.

q ____ u ____ a ____ l ____ i ____ t ____ y

  • wonderfully paced and framed *

Thanks guys. More videos to come… I hope.