Arranger Tips

Thanks a alot!

For me it works only sometimes when I hit stop only once, while stop-play-stop-play always works.✱

Edit: I just worked on my track a bit more, and stop-play never worked, only stop-play-stop-play. I prefer Digis: there I don’t have to press anything or stop anything.

But anyway, that was the last straw for me, every feature I use A LOT needs more button presses than on any other modern Elektron (another example: trig conditions), and while I got used to those more or less (and did start to enjoy the Octa) this is just too much and sucks the joy (and “joy” starts for me with “fast”) out of it for me :pensive:

✱Put that into Bug reports. Octatrack OS 1.40A: bug reports - #375 by Jeanne


Would be cool if you made a video of your evaluation of the 3!


IIRC there is something particular with Arranger mutes, they may have to be triggered by trigs on the concerned track or something…
Ah and yes, if your amp enveloppe is set to inf, samples continue to play.
Maybe you’re talking about midi tracks mutes ?
Have to check.

I stumbled on this yesterday. There are lots of folk, around the forums, annoyed that octatrack track mute instantly stops the note from ringing out, killing its release tail, reverb tail, everything. Essentially it works like mixer channel mute rather than midi channel mute. Weirdly, Arranger has the functionality they crave. As someone mentioned above, it works like midi note mute rather than mixer channel mute.

Weird to not have this as an option for normal track mutes! But to have it obligatorily in Arranger!

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The behavior is particular, because mute is quantized to the beginning of the pattern…

IIRC muting in the arranger mutes as soon the sequencer hits a trig.

For instance, you have a pattern A1 going on then you wanna switch to A2 and have the track 1 muted, it will “wait” to hit a trig to mute. So if the trig is on step 12, impossible to mute the track before that when switching to pattern A2.
You’ll need to put what i call a phantom trig on step 1, another thing to think about and breaking the flow…