Arranger not syncing with md song

Hi. I was having a great jam with md and octa and Have taken it further by building up a song on the md and an arrangement on the octatrack.

Octa is master.

When I start the octatrack the md song doesn’t start at point zero. It is maybe half a bar into the pattern. It doesn’t play the correct pattern either unless I force it to. When I force it by playing the md song only, double stopping and then starting octa it is better but still 1/16th out of sync.

Has anyone else had this problem? I’ve been through all the menus.

Cheers :confused:

Hi this is a known issue to Elektron, and hopefully they will fix it one day.

It’s discussed

here OT Arranger issues

and another issue related

here Unexpected sequencer behaviour using offset in the Arranger

:disappointed: Oh no. I hope it gets fixed. I could use pro tools as transport but I’ve no more midi ins.
Looks like I’ll be doing quite a lot of midi lead swapping.
Thanks for the info…

Just checking - is it like in the other threads where you start later in the arrangement, or is it at the very beginning?

If your problem is when both units are stopped, and you start the OT at arrangement 0 and the MD is still out of sync that’s very weird. Otherwise if it’s like in the links then… yeah bad luck :frowning:

Yeah I’m starting at the beginning. Md is 2 steps behind. It’s not as bad as I thought and fixable by adding a 2 step pattern at the start of the md song. But yeah it’s not right. It will be interesting to see if it happens again when I start a new track. Right now I’m gonna finish this one. :+1: Thanks for your help Hades.

Having just said that the delay randomly changing. Oh well.

You should probably contact Elektron support, as this doesn’t sound like the issue in the other threads. This is weird! Good luck :slight_smile:

Problem solved. I was obsessed with following the manual regarding octatrack as midi centre.

Octa out to virus kb in. Octa in to virus kb out. I added Virus thru to md in.

Today I tried :
Octa out to md in. Md thru to virus in. Virus out to octa in.

Puttin md first in the chain seems to fix the problem. Makes perfect sense really. I couldn’t see the wood for the trees. Here’s hoping arranger and song mode stick together when I get chance to fully test it.
Having a tiring full time job really sucks.