I’m very much considering buying the Analog Keys. It’s pretty much got everything I’d ever want in a synth. Just having looked through the menu I’m not sure there’s an arpeggiator latch is there? When I’m using the arpeggiator on other things and I really like the latch option where the last note you played becomes latched once it’s played and then the notes change and are latched when you hit new keys (but release any previous notes that were held). I can see that this could be done using the hold button to hold the first notes and you might be able to reset it for each new note but that’s obviously not desirable. Maybe it’s in there and I wasn’t able to pick it out. I have a microkorg that has this option, but obviously if paying €1700 for a synth it’d be preferrable to not be relying on the korgs arpeggiator for a feature which is basically very straightforward. At least I know you can definitely decide how long you want the arpeggiated notes to be held unlike the very disappointed arp in the Dave Smith Mopho x4!
As far as I remember, you can do the following:
- With arpeggiator activated, press and hold the Hold button and play a chord on the keyboard (or the other way around). The arpeggio is latched and plays indefinitely.
- Press and hold the Hold button again then play another chord. The arpeggio changes instantly to exactly what you’ve played.
And actually, if you have a held chord/arpeggio, you can’t add held notes to it. This would reset the held notes. So if you have a held arpeggio and want to add notes to it, you’d have to press all keys you want to have played anyway. Or with a held arpeggio, play keys without touching the Hold button. Those will be added to the arpeggio as long as you psysically hold them. Nice solution IMHO.
I’m not 100% sure about this, will check it out later.
Check this thread for similar discussion.
It’s a bit of a cumbersome way of doing it though. Also means you can only use one hand at a time for holding onto the notes, and having to constantly press the hold is a bit annoying. Would just be good to have the option. Got the AK anyway and it is abbolutely stunningly great to play! Hopefully they’ll add relatch in future OS updates. In fairness would be pretty simple to implement in comparison to the other features in the device. Also another feature that was great in the microkorg arpeggiator was that you had the option of the arpeggiator only playing notes in time with the tempo rather than restarting the pattern on note touch. Great way of keeping time without having to mechanically hit the notes perfectly on time each time. Not sure if this is the case in the AK arp.