hi elektronoids, i’ve started experimenting with the arpeggiator and have a few questions…
note handling: when i set the notes on the arp to 0, 0, +2, i want it to play 0, 0, 0, +2, 0, 0, 0, +2, etc. instead, it plays 0, +2, 0, +2, 0, +2, etc. is there a way to make it use all four notes no matter what?
lfo trig: i basically want to emulate the octatrack’s “sync trig” mode. on the A4, i can usually get this effect by leaving the lfos in “free” mode and locking the lfo retrigger to the first note of the track. but this doesn’t work at all when the arpeggiator is enabled (the lfo retriggers on each step of the arp). ideas?
found one workaround - put the lfo in “trig” mode, and then a trigless lock on the second step of the sequencer to set it back to “free”. works as long as the arp speed is ≥ 6. still, would love to hear other ideas.
oh cool, glad it helped you.
my theory is that using the OT’s sequencer/arpeggiator is going to be more flexible, but i haven’t gotten around to trying it out…