Argh please help with saving

From your explanations re Beat 1 and Beat 2 : These are Patterns, so you don’t load a Pattern whilst you’re in Beat 1, because Beat 1 is a Pattern. Ditto for Beat 2.

It sounds like what you really want to do is copy a pattern.

What are you trying to achieve ? Do you want Beat 1 and Beat 2 to have the same sequence pattern, but each associated with different kits (sounds, etc) ?

If ‘yes’ then Copy Pattern is the way to go.

tintao’s response did actually include the answer. :slight_smile:
The distinction is this :

Save Track saves the sequence data for just a single track (the current one, as selected by the 6 TRACK buttons on the right of the A4).

Save Pattern saves the sequence data for all tracks.

So the Save Track command gives you finer control cf Save Pattern.
Fair enough. Thank you for the clarification, Lenny! Much appreciated! :kiss:

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Well, i think the manual answer is pretty specific. At least, to me. Sorry.

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Here is how I’m thinking about it in case this is confusing anyone as much as it confused me.

Basic structure:


  • Think of this as an album or a band or a specific style of music your working on. At least it works for me to think of it this way.
  • In other words you could have a hip hop album on project 1 and Project 2 could be the synth pop album you’re working on and Project 3 could be that ambient album you always wanted to write.
  • You get 128 of these and you can get to them by hitting Function + Global


  • Banks are basically where you store your loops or ideas for a song
  • It seems you would only have 8 of these per project (banks A-H) and each song idea could have 16 parts. But that is not necessarily the case.
  • You can split up the banks by KITS (get to kits next). So you could have Bank A parts 1-4 be one song idea with four parts assigned to a specific KIT and Bank A 5-8 be a totally different kit and be a completely new song or idea.


  • Think of these as a band with four parts or just four totally different synth tones, drums etc…
  • Basically you get four of these per song
  • You can save and load these by going to function + Kit
  • Here is how I now save a kit so I do not get lost or confused as to what pattern the kit is associated with. Track name + Patterns. Lets say I want to name the song I’m working on “Hip Hop 1” and when I wrote it it had 6 parts located in Bank C parts 1-6. I would name it “HipHop1-C1-C6”
  • Now as long as I’m in the proper project and I load this Kit I know where to go to find the idea I had originally pieced together.

Pretty straight forward but I want to go through it anyway.
Step 1 - Load the project or album you want to hear / work on (function + global)
Step 2 - Load the Kit or song/loop idea that you want to hear (function + kit)
Step 3 - Locate the patterns associated with that kit if you named your kit with pattern and bank names this will be easy to find.
Step 4 - Press play :slight_smile:

I’m still figuring this out so let me know if any of this is incorrect. Please remember the A4 methods can be used in a number of ways this is just one beginners way of thinking about it so it doesn’t get confusing. I hope this is helpful to some people.

[Disclaimer: I don’t own an AF.]

Your system would work, but I don’t think you quite have it perfect yet.

Try this:

Step 1 - Load the project or album you want to hear / work on (function + global)
Step 2 - Select the PATTERN (song/loop idea) that you want to hear.
Step 3 - The Kit that is associated with the pattern is automatically loaded.
Step 4 - Press play

Hi PeterHanes, also for me this question about patterns is a lot confused. For me was better save/load patterns to use with different kits. I prefer create a pattern and after link to my preferred kit, so I can use the same pattern whit any kit that I wish.

Sorry for my raw english and for late question, I’ve bought A4 second hand, just today.