List of changes from OS 1.01B to 1.02 Changes
Sample manager now shows the size of the sample files. While samples are being received, a progress bar is also shown to indicate how much of the file has been received.
When browsing samples on the +DRIVE, they can now be previewed by pressing [FUNCTION]+[ENTER/YES]. Only the beginning of the sample is previewed. The sample preview is played by the active track voice.
The machine can now receive samples larger than 2MB using SDS.
In the GLOBAL menu, the SYNTH CONFIG entry has been renamed to SYSTEM, and the entries OS UPGRADE and +DRIVE FORMAT have been moved into this submenu. This makes the GLOBAL menu less cluttered.
The metronome click is now toggled by a long press of [FUNCTION]+[CLICK], instead of double tapping it.
New preset sounds are available, they are added when doing a Factory Reset. After reset the active project, +Drive project slot 1 and +Drive soundbank A will be overwritten.
Bug Fixes
The initial transient was missing when a sample was re-triggered. Fixed.
Velocity and Aftertouch modulation depths were not properly stored in kits and sounds. Fixed.
Synth page could be copied and pasted onto an incompatible track, potentially causing invalid machine type selections on the tracks. Fixed.
XT CLASSIC machine would make a faint sound even when level was set to zero. Fixed.
The chain cursor in main screen could sometimes be out of range when opening a new project or editing the song from the song editor. Fixed.
Some operations like trig removal and undo were difficult to use while running on external sync. Fixed.
Live record mode incorrectly accepted note and parameter input while sequencer was in pause or stop mode. Fixed.
Here’s a silly question. If i do a factory reset to get the new presets, I will lose all my current patterns and kits, right? I can back these up beforehand, and then transfer them back using C6. Amirite?
I have exactly the same question! This is really important!
Means that, all my own projects and samples are deleted, after a factory reset?
To back up my Projects on the computer OK, but what about the own samples in the + Drive Sound Bank?
Factory Reset will overwrite the following:
[li]The NVRAM Project (i.e. the project currently in memory).[/li]
[li]Project 001 on the +DRIVE. This is the PRESETS project.[/li]
[li]All Sounds in Bank A (i.e. positions A001 to A256) in the +DRIVE Sound Library.[/li]
So what needs to be done before factory reset is:
[li]Save your RAM project to the +DRIVE if you want to keep it, but of course not to Position 001.[/li]
[li]Make sure you don’t have any user sounds in Bank A on the +DRIVE (if you do, copy them elsewhere).[/li]
Yeah theres also a mention of quantised retriggers in the manual, but that feature still isnt there after 2 updates, strange. But great to see the regular updates, sample previewing is a big one.
perhaps i’m asking a dumb question (if it’s the case, don’t answer, i’ll understand ): when previewing a sample, it will be played using the track’s settings. how do i preview the sound without having the settings affect the sample preview?
Great to see the velocity modulations are now stored, but there’s a strange thing: one of the ‘default’ modulations appears to be the LFO multiplier, although you can’t select any of the LFO parameters as modulation destinations (they don’t appear in the list).