Hello all.
I’m not new here but this is my first post.
Since years i’m a ghost member and lucky me
I found all my qustions well answerd before.
So now
I’m struggle a bit by my self, i ordert an OT
and realize now that the sample functions of the AR
Is good enough to use it as an easy sample player for one shots and so on.
How is the workflow with samples.
Did samples steal voices. Possible to fill kits with
just samples ?
If you could by OT or AR whats first ?
MM, MD-mk1 still here in my setup.
Thanks for help.
P.s i need to learn english, i’m sorry for
all the fails.
i am only 2 days into the AR, own a OT as well … at first sight, the OT is much more versatile when it comes to mangling and handling samples … off course the AR will get some more updates and such … but even Dataline said on the last sonic state video, that the AR is not a sampler, the OT is…
an elektron is just the beginning,… do what i did, give your head a rest, just buy it all, end of story 
…that being said, i havent touched the sample options of the AR so far … your question might just be 1 or 2 month tooooo early, just my thought on first sight
The sample doesn’t steal the synth voice from the track that it is on so you can layer them BUT on the tracks that share a voice you cannot have a sample play on both so those tracks do steal from eachother. I just got an octatrack. I really like it but the rytm is more instant and also makes better drums than most samples I’ve heard. Plan to run my octa through the rytm to take advantage of the master (side chaining) compression… Also have an A4 but mostly plan on resampling that into octa for live use w/o bringing the a4 just b/c I only have 2 hands and want a more minimal 2 box set up
Also it won’t times trench so not good for loop playback but sample mangling is possible albeit different than on octa. Much can be achieved with param locking start/end points of samples. And yes you could have sample only kits-but doesn’t seem practical as the synths are very powerful and sound amazing