AR MKII SY Raw possibility?

Is there any chance of seeing the new sy raw machine on the AR? It sounds amazing and I would love to see it in a future update, but I don’t know if that is possible with the hardware.


What about a supersaw for A4, I wonder if it’s possible…

Always wanted a JP8000/JP8080!



I bet we do eventually, it’s just a reconfigured DVCO machine


Is this your thought or is there a physical limitation that would disable it from happening?

Elektron wants you to buy a Syntakt

They also want you to buy an AR so I don’t think this idea makes sense.

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I’m talking about folks who already own an AR

I understand. There are more people that don’t own either one that Elektron wants to entice into buying one. It makes sense to make them both more desirable.

Also they put a bunch of the AR machines in the ST already. Wouldn’t they be worried about hurting AR sales?


I believe everything is possible, if they could add DVCO to the AR mk1 then I want to believe that they can add new model to the ARmk2, it could be that there is some physical limitation we are not aware of but I hope not…

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If my (limited) understanding is correct then it should be technically possible.

I believe that the Analog oscillators in the AR are digitally controlled and can just have “better” control with sensible tunings which is what I think has happened in the Syntakt with the SY Raw. Same oscillators with the same waveforms, better control.

I have my fingers crossed for all you AR owners!

The main difference is the square wave right? My understanding is that’s the easiest wave to create. If it had been a triangle-core oscillator and we wanted a Sine wave that would mean some effort somewhere.

I’d be surprised if Elektron made SY Raw their Syntakt selling point so I don’t think it’s unlikely we might see a similar machine in other boxes - but there could always be changes under the hood that enabled this machine to work properly, meaning it’s not possible.

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you can filter a triangle to a sine

Everyone thought they’d keep Song Mode for the higher priced instruments. Your theory doesn’t hold up.

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I think for a4, it makes no sense to add a machine. Its not in the philosophy of the a4. A4 is a more open subtractive synth. If you want a supersaw, learn to make a supersaw.
For ar this might be possible, but tbh i have no idea.

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Saw PWM + Chorus sounds super close :wink:


Yeah I doubt they would hold it back but I do believe it was stated that the Dual VCO in syntakt was improved in some ways? It is possible that the SY Raw takes advantage of that.

I think ST and AR have different analog voices chips. So fast answer is no RAW machine on AR. At least filter sounds different, and oscillators are more stable, it may be newer version of original AR chips, or something completely new (more waveshapers or DCO), with same program configuration. I have only AR, so it would be nice if someone made side by side comparison, there is no valid oscillators comparison on YT. Also high quality inside photos can answer this question.

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