I want to use my iPad to sequence my Minitaur but i want iPad to Midi Sync with my AR…
Its a dream or it can work ?
I have a camera connection kit
I want to use my iPad to sequence my Minitaur but i want iPad to Midi Sync with my AR…
Its a dream or it can work ?
I have a camera connection kit
i guess u dont have a midi interface already?
which ipad app do u use?
No i just have CCK, but i think i must connect this on the Minitaur.
iConnect Midi should connect my Minitaur for sequence and synchronize my AR ?
For the app , i dont use anything for the moment it is just a question
Thank you very much for your reply !
I understand everything.
What do you think about that ? : http://www.alesis.com/iodock
Just an idea but perhaps with an app i will can sequence my Minitaur and record all the machines ? i dont know what kind of app do that…
thaaanks i will test Alesis io dock, i think for travel is the best
sinonim is absolutely right. get a decent interface: hassle free, extendable.
just curious. actually it could work without an interface. dont have an ipad now.
connect AR to ipad via USB. in ur sequencer app u should see AR as midi device.
send midi clock to AR. AR should start if set to receive clock.
send midi notes for minitaur from ur sequencer app, preferably on a channel AR does not use (check midi port settings)
set THRU option for midi out on AR.
connect AR midi out to minitaur midi in.
question is if AR passes incoming USB midi to midi out. maybe the THRU option just works for midi in.