AR = Just another reason to NOT continue with the MD :(

I must say: Im not happy about this!!! The AR looks like a nice machine in the first place but the thing is: Its about Drums. AAAAND - there already is a machine in the portfolio that deals with drums. Not with analog ones, obviously, but thats also not needed as there already is a machine that can handle this well - the DSI Tempest. So why the hell should Elektron do such a machine now too?? ^^

We - the MD Lovers - havent received ANY update for the MD since 2011!! TWOTHOUSANDELEVEN! The Effects need to be overhauled as they are far away from sounding competitive today, the compressor needs an update, there are still workflow enhancements (like the Pattern Sticky Mode) to be done on the MD and … finally why dont do another Synth Model on it? I mean: It has 2 DSPs … lots of power …

With all those new machines that are constantly released now i dont see how Elektron should do the Household and keep working on the Machines that really need some polish as they are still not perfect - though they nearly are.

So … Why cant Elektron just stop with this crazy Machinethrowing and start with working on the older machines that really need work to them??? Is it really only all about the money now?? I always thought Elektron was different … maybe i was wrong?!

They’re not a non-profit organization. Elektron, as cool as they are, are still a business. They will not survive purely by putting out MD OS updates! This is the same with every synth maker out there: Moog, DSI, etc, even MacBeth has to sell something new once in a while.

I’m pretty sure my MD will keep working just as it does right now when the AR comes out. :slight_smile:

The thing about software for devices like the MD : once the software is taking nearly maximum advantage of the hardware, and the bugs are mostly gone… the system is basically complete. I actually like this, because I can just use it for what it is and not worry about it. It’s a toaster, it makes toast. It’s my impression that the MD is in this state right now: The hardware is fully utilized, and there aren’t very many bugs.

Consider this : the MD saw constant free updates and new features during almost 10 years. From what I understand, there isn’t much left in terms of space to do much else with the OS. The technology used inside the MD is most certainly not the same used in the newer machines. I’ve been a MD owner since maybe 6 years, and must say that it has always been reliable and I don’t remember it crashing and getting any major bugs. It is stable. It can do a lot with the current OS. Personnally, I won’t sell mine to get an AR.

I think that Elektron are moving to something else, too. I mean, how many free upgrade should they still do 13 years later?

To me, the AR is another piece of equipment which can complement someone’s setup, replace existing product (like the Tempest). The situation can be different for everybody. But what’s interesting is that it adds another option, which nobody is forced to buy. We just have more choice now!

+1 With embedded software, there’s a point where you just say it’s done. This is actually a good thing, IMO. I don’t really find the MD lacking in any way at all. The only thing I really want is maybe some better organization / editing tools on the PC, but I don’t think that’s in Elektron’s area.

The tech in the MD is old tech, there are only so many processor cycles to create new FX, good reverbs in particular take a lot of processor power.

The new machines are slowly replacing the old generation machines with better spec processors and audio processing chips, its just the way things go.

^^poonti - my thoughts exactly. Also I would add that it is pretty remarkable that Elektron did continue to make improvements of the MD OS over a 10 year period! I can’t think of any other synth company out there that has had that kind of dedication to an older product.

I say enjoy the MD for what it is. It is has a unique sound of its own. I will never sell mine. It will be considered a classic in the years to come. And it is still one of the best drum machines on the market after all this time.


The AR uses bespoke cicruits for each voice, so can therefore be viewed as more limited in its capabilities in comaprison the MD…which can load any type of machine/drum sound on each of its 16 voices. Something like the MD or Nord Drum2 pairs up very well with an analog drum machine like the AR, for more flexibility and layering to create better drum hits.

i thought briefly of selling my Userwave MkII Machinedrum…

hahaha and then i listened to how funky the Swing on this thing truly is. freakin’ phenomenal. and the time feel. i feel it. peeople dance to it.

Machinedrums have a time feel vibe in the timing of the tempo they play… and the midi clock tempo output they send. they make everything funky, or have a very real capacity to. if i had not experienced this for myself in dance club live gigs, i would admit that i am imagining this.

it took me about 4 years to eventually buy the OT … very glad with the purchase. the sheer delight of new equipment is great and all … but there is so much to learn with what already is available.

and the Machinedrum has the red screen. I love that red screen (some peeps do not, and let us celebrate the difference, i say).

also, the Machinedrum brings freedom through limitation. Such a limited amount of Ram, only 2.4MB or something. that is so awesome. these days i just pretty much have a series of my fave bassdrums, snares, hihats, etc in the slots, with a bit of ram for a couple of recording trick machines.

Eeeeeease of use. Total, utter, joy to use live. To play and re-sequence the MD at a gig is so freakin’ easy … going into Mute Mode … the red lights, so easy to see. In a high volume high stakes situation, the Machinedrum steps up and says “Yo what up here i am, dance to me, make music with me, feel me, move with me.” … it doesn’t get any better than that folks.

Jeezus, a thread with endless complaints complaining about the new gear that has not been released and now one about how 10 year old gear is not up to snuff. Christ.

What piece of gear is perfect? Ever?

I bought a MnM knowing its memory is pretty much stuffed as full as it can be and don’t expect anything new. I know it got a new OS in early 2013, which is two-ish years after the MD, but so what?

Like it or not, Elektron has to make money to keep providing you with those free updates you so crave. There’s an analog wave going right now they can ride to get that money, and Elektron has every right to hop on and see where it takes them.

It’s not like they’ve been producing standard/basic monosynths just to take advantage of it, either.

Music hardware, even from Elektron or Access who are known for incredibly long periods of new OS support, is like a computer; you buy it for what it can do for you now, not what it might do or might receive later.

Yeah, I don’t know any other synth company with this level of commitment - that’s usually the domain of large corporations like Microsoft, with hundreds of millions of operating systems in use (Ms still supports Windows XP with drivers and security updates).
I can see why the OP would like more updates - who doesn’t love updates? But the DSPs in an MD are probably about 1/8 as powerful as those in the OT, based on the relative ages of the machines. I personally still think the MD sounds great; While I plan to add an AR to my OT and A4, I’m still very interested in the MD and MNM and hope to add them to my setup at some point.

I’m right there with y’all about how well loved the MD has been by EK over its 10+ year lifetime. In all honesty, it could be said to be a modern day classic - how many drum machines come with 12-bit samplers these days? :slight_smile:

I am going to have to do some thinking over what to do with mine tho - I haven’t really done enough with it since I got it two years ago, been more drawn to the A4 + OT combo. The AR is probably what would fit best for me, seeing as how I was contemplating a Tempest last year. Just need to decide if the MD can offer something more or if it should go to a new home.

Good problem to have tho. :slight_smile:

MD is History…

meaning that is integral part of something included nearly within genes…so it will rulez anyway!


do u need an upgrade? buy an used EHX Germanium OD for mono direct out machines as overdriven layer…WoW

so, they shouldn’t have released an analog drum machine bc another company has done so already? :zonked:
i get the frustration & sour grapes, but as ha already been mentioned the md has a nice cycle, and will continue working as it does. i came to the elektron fold bc:
[li]i wanted some escape making music on my computer[/li]
[li]the displayed history of the md told me they operated differently[/li]
[li]then the poly update to the a4 reinforced that there good will as a company to their customers. it would have been quite easy & justifiable to withhold that functionality from the a4 & only provide it on the ak[/li]

life is good, make music and enjoy it. accept your financial limitations as natural boundaries that will (if you allow out) help you move from consumer to a creator. go deeper not wider.

…and i bought my md in december. i made a choice to not get bent out of shape.

I’d understand all this butt-hurt if the MD was crap or average, but it’s still f’ing brilliant, still the one Elektron box that makes the most sense to me!

"life is good, make music and enjoy it. accept your financial limitations as natural boundaries that will (if you allow out) help you move from consumer to a creator. go deeper not wider. "…
Danlukas You should write a self help book… Could not agree more.

When I read about the rytm I get angry at only recently buying a MD / A4 combo. But then as soon as I stop reading these forums ( in their current state with all the namm / rytm hype) and go and play with the MD everything becomes ok again. Md is fking awesome device

Of course I have the uw version - live use of ram record / play is still unmatchedi think…If I only had a regular md I might feel differently.

owww… Nice! :slight_smile: i hadn’t listened to the Germanium pedal before now, and really like the sound (of a youtube preview)… awesome idea to use individual outs from the MD to pedals … ima try this with a couple of other EHX pedals, and an MXR blowtorch.
cheers for the share :slight_smile:

people own 808s AND 909s. people own 606s and machinedrums. :slight_smile:

not a bug, but personally, i’d like it if using function + midi track params wasn’t bad news because the octatrack trained me too well. :wink:

there are still bugs though…