AR compressor sidechain?

Hello Rytm users,

I’ve been GASing hard over an AR lately (or over a drum machine in general, but go big or go home, right?) and I’ve got a question I can’t find reliable info on in the web: namely, is the AR compressor sidechain-capable? E.g. will I be able to provide sound to the compressor via audio in and sidechain it using AR’s drums, without p-locking etc.?

There is no separate input routing for the sidechain, ie. the compressor sidechain is the same signal that goes into it (internal sounds + input summed). The sidechain is only useful for equing the compressor key to prevent overt pumping caused by tons of bass etc…

Check the manual for more detailed info on the comp

So no realtime sidechaining incoming signal. Massive bummer. Thanks for explaining, though.

Guess I’ll need to look around for a compressor pedal capable of doing it, as it’s kind of invaluable for my workflow. P-locking anything above 4x4 kick is tedious.

Fmr audio makes real nice compressor which is probably exactly what you’re after

What, p-locking the comp threshold for pseudo-sidechain effects? How about using the FX track LFO in oneshot mode and setting up some ducking trigs? Excellent ideas, going to try these when I’m back at the machine :alien:

Yeah, that’s how I was emulating sidechain using the Octatrack: either by p-locking amp volume, or by assigning an LFO (custom designed of course) to it. But I’m getting into more and more crazy rhythms lately and this really gets time-consuming.

Does it allow only an external input signal?
I thought the FMR RNC and RNLA compressors both used an “FX sidechain” TRS send/return. For sending to an EQ, which is already quite similar to Rytm compressor’s “SEQ” parameter.

Yep, I haven’t used it much yet, but pretty sure the SEQ parameter on the RYTM compressor does what you’re after, and a lot more.