few days ago I uploaded some more samples to my AR, since then I’m not able to step out of the “incoming” directory - the ‘…’ option is missing. I deleted all samples in the directory, but still not able to step out.
Ah… this just happened to me. I was transferring samples and deleting them and going about my usual business when the incoming folder got corrupted somehow.
Might have deleted a sample that was still having it’s progress bar, not really sure. Or like, deleted a sample directly after it was transferred.
Only way to get out of the incoming folder is to restart the AR and then not go into the incoming folder. Pressing No/Reload takes me out of the samples menu but going back in without restarting my AR I end up directly in the incoming folder.
Doing a Format + Drive in the system menu fixes the problem as one might expect. Got a brand new working incoming folder. (Good thing it’s possible to keep the projects and just erase the sample data.)
Now I just have to transfer all my samples again. Oh the joy!
So where exactly does one open up a support ticket to Elektron?
We have two tickets open for this issue. I have not been able to recreate it yet so if someone finds a way to force this to happen I would love if you could share it.
I cannot believe that this issue has not been resolved in 2017.
Now I have to format my whole +Drive and transfer manually 2360 files in hundreds of folders!
There is no way to upload automatically all the samples maintaining the folder structure.
What a shame.
Hi, I’m facing the same issue. Running the latest C6 and AR OS 1.31.
I created a ‘‘SYNTHS’’ folder inside the ‘‘incoming’’ folder in order to upload some samples using C6. Once I finished transferring the samples, there was no (D) to go back to the ‘‘incoming’’ directory. So I’m forced to turn off and then back if I want to exit.
Even worse, I can’t move the samples (which took -literrally- all night to upload) to another folder because I can’t exit the damn folder. So I’ve deleted all samples in ‘‘SYNTHS’’ folder, deleted ‘‘SYNTHS’’ folder, and done everything all over again. But issue persists.
Please solve this issue ASAP. It’s extremly irritating, considering the crazy amount of time it takes to upload samples to AR.
I have had this issue several times while uploading a batch of 167 samples to the ‘‘incoming’’ folder. I have just formatted the X Drive sample section and I’m now reloading the samples to a new folder with C6 (AR OS 1.31). This time I will try using smaller batches, uploading the initial 167 samples separately into 3 different bacthes, 56-56-55 samples.
Hope this works. But I hope this issue will be adressed soon. I reckon there is some kind of bug related to sample upload.
My AR MIDI port config is: INPUT FROM > USB only,
I’m following all directions on the C6 manual for OSX:
‘‘Time in ticks between packages when sending an audio file as a MIDI SDS dump. A tick is around 1/60 second. Increase this number if you have problems with transfers not making it over to the other side. Typical amounts would be 1 or 2.’’