AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

:cb: Scale Per Track already

+ Randomisation and other things :wink:


This is a neat idea!

Not exactly…
Of course there is the chance to play with a fixed velocity set in the trig page (Function+Pad or Velocity to Volume set to Off), but, if I set the Velocity at 100 or 90 or whatever, I’ll be able to play only at that fixed value.

What I would like to have is the chance to play at FULL velocity (value 127) each time I touch a pad or I press a trig button (like Akai MPC, if you’re familiar with that machine)

Other amazing option would be play a sound with a “12 Level” exactly like MPC 16 Levels. Those are amazing and super straight forward features to work with…at least for me…but I’m familiar with MPC workflow. With this feature you can use the 16 pads to play (or even record a live performance) a sample with 16 levels of a certain parameter (velocity/attack/filter/chromatic note/…).

Trust me: super effective, super easy, super straight forward.



Huge +1 for this request!

Especially now with Dual VCO would be astonishing to have more than one LFO to work with (like the amazing 3 LFOs of the Octatrack).

I suppose LFO of the Rytm is digitally generated…but…perhaps implementing this feature could mean a huge work within the software architecture… anyway, would be awesome!

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I think it is possible, as it was possible on the Machinedrum. Digital of course.

With midi you can send up 24 lfos on 1 or several channels with OT.
With midi loopback and resampling you can apply up to 48 lfos to a sample. More than enough! :smile:

Sorry mate, do you mean <<send the 24 LFOs via MIDI from Octatrack to control various parameters of the Rytm>> ?
Is it possible?
(I’m sorry 4 my English brother)


I’m french! Octatrack can’t be a feature…:smile:

Yep, but it is not reasonable to send 24 continuous midi lfos! With Hold parameter, you send CCs only when there’s a (true) trig.

Amp envelope reset option in Sound settings.


Being able to filter through patches in your sound pool using the tags rather than having tags limited to all sounds would be nice.

Same with being able to remove duplicates.

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Adding second LFO is simple, just copy A4 code plus some debug/testing.
The only valid reason not to add it is CPU usage, RYTM is already slow enough and has random freezes (I use mk2).
But Dual VCO is really limited with such set of modulation possibilities, adding second LFO will unlock a huge space of sounds.

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Also second LFO is required to simulate constant sample length, when modulating sample start for granular/wavetable stuff. Looks easier than changing sample end behavior.

If scale per track happens, I’ll buy myself an ARmk2 and keep it until the end of time.


auditioning any trigs,
limit play to page(S) of choice only
start play from a trig of choice instead of only the start of the pattern, for auditioning.

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A key combination to release mutes/scenes/performance when changing pattern.

For example, when playing pattern 1, press “pattern” then hold down 2 while pressing “mute”. When pattern 2 plays, it will do so while releasing all the mutes.

Same for scenes and performance (slightly different, I know, but in these cases it would know that when reverting to pattern 1, the scene or performance will not be active).

Extra lfo per track, scale per track


Single VCO machine with adjustable vibrato rate / depth on the tom tracks.

BPM per pattern.

L or R external input as “sample” input on any track.


iirc toms are pinged filters, no osc avilable for that. But to your point, a tom machine where I can keytrack that filter as little as 2 octaves would be awesome to me

Interesting. I didn’t know that about the toms.

All I want is for it to stay on pattern select without “timing out” when I’m choosing patterns. Having to constantly hit the bank button first is so annoying when playing live or using direct jump!

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The manual states they are single oscillator synthesis in the pad diagram, and in the description of he controls they all say tun sets the pitch of the oscillator.