Let’s say I’ve recorded a bit of audio on T1. I’m happy with the recording, want to keep it, but I also want to append another recording to it, to have it available as a slice or multiple slices on T1. Is there any way to achieve this any quicker than having to save the first recording to the cf card and re-recording over the RAM, and then basically having to use sample locks to access the two recordings?
Or is there a way to sort of morph the two samples together within the OT? I really want to record several patterns from say T1 from the Monomachine and have all of those patterns available in one long recording on the OT. I know I could use the arranger in the Mono to record one long sequence into the OT (after having released some memory in the OT), but for workflow reasons I’d like to be able to “append” recordings on the fly.
Is there a way to do this or a workaround I haven’t picked up on yet?
it’s a poor workaround, but if you know the tempo you’re going use, you can make a sample of silence that’s 16 bars (or whatever), pre-slice grid it, and then paste each pattern in at consecutive slice points through the audio editor.
append to buffer would be amazing for generating sample chains…
Was just thinking how amazing this would be, workflow wise. Could quickly and easily build up kits of short slices without ever having to leave the OT.
Or have it loop a section so you could record multiple takes. (though memory would probably be an issue with that)
Anyone else have any other workarounds for this other than the pre-sliced silence? – as far as I remember there isn’t any way to record to any part of a RAM buffer than the start, yeah?
Yeah, I think it’s not a difficult thing to create a sample chain on OT.
Create a pattern (even with the proper tempo multiplier if you need longer material than 64 steps) and place trigs on tracks even with sample locks. (The first sample can be that one you want to extend with additional samples). And then just resample the main output
I did it. You can keep pre slices with longer recordings, mess with several recordings recorded in one recording (Megabreak), and keep original slices as long as they are not shorter.
Though you can’t automate the start time of the recording, can you? If I have a 16 slice empty recording, i can’t sample the first slice at one point and then record into the second slice later. Every time you you hit record it starts at the beginning.
Although it’d probably work on a pickup machine, if you got your settings and timings right.
Just remember to set all of the effects slots to “none” if you do this, because many of the OT effects, even set to their neutral settings, still have a big impact on the sound of the audio passing through them (lo-fi in particular). Unless you want to rerecord with effects, of course.
I would love to have append. It’s quite tedious making long chains of different collected sounds to slice on Octatrack.
It would also be great if you could have the option to autosave every buffer to CF card. On teenage engineering po33, or Deluge, you can capture one sound on each pad, with one click, they’re there for good, they don’t disappear if you switch off, you don’t need to menu dive to save each one separately.