Anyone using a Beat Thang

I am seriously considering buying a Beat Thang but I have huge reservations as the videos on the net are scarce and generally crap.

can anyone answer the following in regards to usagebon the latest firmware (1.30 I think)

  1. do you find the unit stable when used as a standalone sampler?

  2. is the syncto external midi clock stable?



my only experience with one was when an acquaintance enlisted me to help figure out a bug that prevented him from making music. i’m intrigued by the concept but the OS and interface don’t seem great.

(that was a year ago, though - maybe it’s gotten better)

Please, DO NOT waste your money. It’s absolutely useless to make music with. It has more bugs than you could imagine and crashes constantly. Beat Thang is dead and has been for a while now. Don’t believe the hype. It is a piece of garbage. I can’t stress that enough. :-1: :-1:

Thanks for your input,

can I ask, and not at all in an offensive way, is this an opinion built through usage or through what you have heard / read?

issue is I see plenty myself online that makes me doubt the beatthang, but I have yet to talk directly to anyone who has owned one.

thanks for the warning though.

No offense taken man. I own it and have since it’s inception. In theory, it’s an excellent sketch-pad for song ideas, but seriously, DO NOT buy this thing. I even sent mine to them to fix-and they did NOTHING in the 4 months they had it. They claimed they tested it but I know that’s bullshit because I took it apart and I could easily tell it was the first time the screws had been removed-fresh paint chipping was an obvious revelation. The MIDI barely works at all and the unit constantly crashes or shuts off. You will not be able to make music on this. I really don’t believe any positive reviews on this-I think their staff created bogus accounts on various sites or blogs and made up a bunch of shit. Everyone I know who actually owns it, either took it back or just shelved it like I did. It truly is a piece of shit. If I could, I would flush mine down the toilet-where it belongs. :-1: :-1:


hahahahahaha that was the funniest review i ever read :slight_smile:

I’ve been using a TR-8 as a frisbee. Highly recommended!!

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Haha +1 @Mihajlo @TRSC2015, this was a “coffee? meet my keyboard!” type of review! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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+1 :+1: :+1:

Thanks for the real world heads up.

I nearly spunked half the money of a MD on this… think I will stick to the MPC500 to accomplish what I am wanting.



Trade up to an MPC1000 (which won’t cost too much) and install JJOS on it. first version is free, full version is about $100. You should be able to get $200 for your MPC500 and you can easily pick up an MPC1000 for $3-400.


I remember being down at the Best Buy waiting for it to open to cop this thing, that was the best day of my ownership…


You just saw the AudioPilz’s review?

did not, will have to check it out though…
lol that Is the audio pilz review I just posted above you…

I always thought that channel was called bad gear

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got one, love it :crazy_face:

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What he reviews is generally considered bad gear but he proves it’s not the gear but its the musician that shines.



Well, the name it self sounds like what a girlfriend might call your sampler. ‘Oh, that’s his beat thang.’ So clearly they didn’t take it seriously either.

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haters gonna hate, that’s the circle of the life :sweat_smile:

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Bearing in mind the guys who dreamed this thing (thang?) up call themselves the ‘Beat Kangz’. Setting the bar pretty low right there.

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