Hi as the tittle says… Anyone tried Vermona stuff with Elektron stuff?
Hi as the tittle says… Anyone tried Vermona stuff with Elektron stuff?
I used to own a Monomachine and a DRM 1 mk III. They complemented each other quite well, even without using any external processing for the Vermona.
You can hear them in action on some of the older tunes on my Soundcloud page.
Ok nice and have you also tried the effects? The reverbs etc…?
No first hand experience with them, but I’ve listened to tons of demos, particularly of the Retroverb Lancet.
That’s on my shopping list too, the filter is ace and since you can use it either as pre or post reverb, the sound design capabilities are endless.
Sounds great, you have a link to your soundcloud ?
There are only 2 tracks left on my SC page with Vermona drums on them, as I sold it a year ago.
They are called Barfunkelizm and Is It A Dream Or Just A Memory. Dunno if you’ll like them, they’re fairly basic minimal techno tracks.
Thanks, it’s for getting an idea of what the Vermona is capable of.
Like the sounds.
You use other gear beside the MD for making techno?
No MD here, just an A4 for now, which I just got a week ago! Will get a Tanzbär and an Octatrack later this year, then some less expensive items like the Retroverb Lancet.
Using the Mono lancet, Retroverb Lancet and DRM1 MKIII with the A4 and OT.
The RL is very useful. I initially bought it to expand on the ML for drive/distortion and a second filter, but the possibilities are endless. I started using it to process kicks with the “balls” and HP filter. Even with everything off, it’s nice to drive stuff through the input gain. The filter sounds good on the A4 for bass and chord stabs which can be controlled from the A4 CV outputs.
Thanks for info. I think i’ll buy the RL for my OT and MnM.
I have a mono lancet. Build quality is super good on vermona, and soundwise it’s awesome too. Perfect addition to the A4, because it can do those bass sounds the A4 can’t
drm1 mk3 + ot + a4 here.
most of my tracks’ drums come from the vermona, sequenced by the ot. usally i use the drm1 for the ‘meat’ of the drum and mix it with sampled drums. the effects (especially deep kicks) are very good.
it works like a charm if you use the ot’s sequencer: the microtiming is particularly useful to align the samples with the vermona drums.
you can hear examples of it being used throughout both of my EPs:
DRMmk2 & OT & A4. Love running the DRM channels through the FX of the Elektrons. However I’m selling the Vermona because I’m mainly MIDI-based rather than audio, and without multitracking it’s difficult to get the most out of the drum synth. I love the sound, but I think I need a sequencing drum machine because I’ve only got two hands.
Also, it eats up a lot of MIDI channels on the OT (for muting etc) which is inefficient as it doesn’t accept MIDI controllers, so other gear is going unsequenced. I think the Vermona is better for someone with a DAW-based system or someone that wants a straightforward consistent drum kit sound without a lot of different processing on every track.
I have nothing but good things to say about this machine, it’s just not ideal for my groove-centric studio setup.
Using the mono Lancet as well with the octa. Works great for deep bass and high tones. Cuts through the silky sound of the Octa very nicely. I have worked for months with only that and the P08 switched on plussome pedals.
Stumbled on this youtube tonight…I think they play very well together!
I was looking into Tanzbar, but I like the way Vermona sits in this dubby track! Hmmm…choices!
how good is the tanzbar sequencer? i feel like it wouldn’t be as good as the OT’s. personally i use my OT to sequence a jomox airbase 99 for drums. it’s a pretty sweet setup.
OT sequencing Mono Lancet here. Great.
ML is maybe the best sounding desktop for the money, in a league with SEM and Boomstars, but half the price.
Vermona doesn’t compete in feature wars, it´s just straight quality in sound.
A Steinway Grand Piano has less features than a casio keyboard, it just sounds better, but isn’t music all about the sound?
i have the lancet and drm3, as has been stated the lancet is good but limited. Good for bass imo. The drm sounds not so good out of the box but run it through the MNM or OT and use distortion, chorus, filter, comp it sounds pretty sweet.
MD and DRM mkIII user here too… in my opinion the DRM-1 is the nicest-sounding analog drum machine I’ve ever owned or used. It sounds ridiculously good and the build quality is superb. Never routed it through the MD though, although I do sometimes route some sounds through spring reverb, Eventide Space, etc.
Me too … got my Vermona DRM1 MK3 last week and hooked it up to the MD.
Here is a vid of my first trial run … IMO it sounds much more organic than the AR, and the connectivity is awesome.