Anyone based in the UK looking for gigs?


Was just wondering if any UK based live electronic performers/bands etc are looking to swap gigs and collaborate?

Check out our stuff (Paris XY) on my profile and drop me a message if you think we could fit on a bill together. Got some cool stuff coming up and I would like to get other like minded artists onboard and vice versa.



Hey up, its MyOneManBand (Phill Wilson) I’m based in Hull and I have caught your show before.

I use purely MIDI hardware to improvise music that blends eletronic and acoustic instruments.

I don’t use computers or daws in my music so i dont have stems and such, but in a live setting I can sync with anything cabable of sendimg me a midi clock or I can use the more free running hardware and just play a single layer of sound .

Always up for a co-lab


I’d be up for this potentially. I’m based in Bristol and do stuff under the name Wascal:

My Soundcloud’s full of my old Ableton stuff at the moment as I’m keeping my live set under wraps until the 11th October for a gig at Motion down here:

I’m doing live sets on an Octatrack and Machinedrum MK1 at the moment - mainly 160bpm/80bpm Jungle/Trap/Juke stuff but I’ve got quite a few different project/sets I’m constantly fiddling with :wink:

I am up for gigs :slight_smile:

but i live in the outskirts of england. far away from other human-beings…
then again… i might want to escape my mother-in-law now and then…
so when in need for weird noises and a crazy dutch… offer me a sofa
and you got yourself an artist…