Hello, is there a way to paste a pattern into a blank pattern, without moving out of the current pattern that is playing?
When I try to paste into a blank pattern, it will not paste until the sequencer is in the new pattern, effectively creating a moment of silence. This wouldn’t be so good in a live/improvisatory setting.
Is there a good solution for this? I really hope there is a workaround.
I assume this will not work in all pattern change modes? I’ll test how the pattern change mode will affect this workflow. Direct change modes probably won’t work with this, as the pattern change will occur as soon as you press the trig down. In a previous OS it only changed on key-up but that behavior was dropped.
So when in direct start/jump mode (which I use because of poly rhythms) one would have to switch to sequential mode first, but does the paste occur when e.g. a master length setting of INF prevents the actual pattern change?
hey TSV …
OT: be in pattern A1 … be in play mode (no rec light on)
pattern then A1 (or whatever pattern you want to copy) then Function then Copy
keep pressing Function and Pattern !!! then Press A2 (or whatever pattern you want to paste) and Press PASTE
now you can press Pattern + A1 and then at the same time A2 to have those 2 pattern cycles (A01<<A02) will show up on display … the more fingers you have the more patterns you can have cycle through … I learned this from MD