Any love for Alesis Ion?

I bought one when they launched. Sounded nice, but found the arpeggiator weird and didn’t sync well. The thing that killed it for me was the ghost editing, it was incredibly annoying because it kept changing the settings and ergo the sound you were trying to craft or use. Away it went, don’t miss it.

Congrats. I owned an Alesis Ion when they were still in production. Hate that I sold it.

Still have my Micron! ^^

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Right on cue. :rofl:


Unbelievable. :rofl:

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Micron has all those

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I had the Micron briefly years ago but never gelled with it. I think I’d watch this vid and decided I would reach this level of talent if I got one. How wrong I was :joy:


OMG you’re right, it was the other way around - the Micron is actually the one with these features added!

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I still have an Ion. It has a chipped key but still usable. I was in a doom band the one keyboard player had an Ion and the other had a Micron. Now I want the Miniak!

I have a Miniak. One cool thing about it is that it has three wheels—pitch bend, mod, and a third wheel you can assign. It’s a solid little 3 octave synth, not flimsy. No aftertouch, though.

It’s also very flexible—you can tweak envelope curves, use two different filters at once, and flexibly route the 3 oscs thru the 2 filters. There’s a big synth engine hidden in that little case if you’re willing to move through the menu pages.

As was said above, that engine doesn’t sound very analog—I wasted time years ago wrestling with the synth, trying to get it to do timbres it just doesn’t naturally do. It can do some cool sounds with a more digital color.


As mentioned before in this thread: I have a Micron and it’s great. The best thing which I found out recently is, because it’s multitimbral and program/bank changes are instant you can soundlock the heck out of it with a Digitone (or other p-lockable midi sequencer) and have everything ring out nicely. Super fun :slight_smile:


Noob question here since I just got a digitakt and it’s my first elektron piece, can I do that with a digitakt and an ion? I know midi is weird af on the ions.

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The Digitakt midi tracks are pretty much the same as the tone so yes it should work?

And the midi is weird on the Micron as well, as it uses a weird implementation of NRPN I think so getting actual synth params controlled is a bit of a challenge I believe. However: It does respond to regular program and bank changes from the Digis which are p-lockable :+1:

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The micron was my first synth, pain in the ass, taught me nothing about synthesis with the 90s minimalist inputs, and made me give up for synths for years.

Despite that and having much better sounding and designed synths, I still have the micron on my shelf.

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I can only imagine. The only reason I enjoyed using the Micron was because I could program with my Ion and send that over.

This guy is squeezing Micron pretty nicely.

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