Any idea what the total sample capacity is?

I know the sample playback is not the primary focus of this machine and I’m very stoked about the analog engine but if it has enough onboard sample memory then it would easily replace mashine for me (I use maschine as a basic groove box) I really wish they went with the CF card option on this instead of internal memory but anyways…anyone hear anything in regards to the total sample storage capability?

In one of the videos I watched, Jenk said it had a +Drive - so same basic amount as an A4/AK. Lots!

[Edit: Ha! Cats!]

Lots is good! Hopefully lots translates to at least a gig…hopefully more.
Can’t wait to get the full specs either way this is shaping up to be my next buy for sure.
And lol yes cats…It looks a bit like the muffwiggler forum :slight_smile:

A4 +drive is 2 or 2.5Gigs, so hopefully that or more on the AR…[CATS CLUB! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ]

Jon told me a single sample can be up to 4 min long! Thats’s 40MB at 44.1/16. 128 samples per bank.

Sounds like there is plenty of memory going on.

I don’t understand how each of the eight analog voices can use “stereo” samples. How does a stereo sample get processed with one of the analog filters per voice?

Good point! It can’t unless it’s somehow summed before the analog stage.

It’s been a long day :slight_smile:

My guess is,it can load stereo samples but they’re converted to mono when playing them with the AR.

I hope they figure out a way to use two voices for one stereo sample. It’d be nice to create a stereo sample of the main melody/synths/etc on a DAW, transfer it to the RYTM, finish off the track with the remaining six voices doing all the analog percussion, and processing the whole thing with RYTM’s master compressor/dist.

That would be sweet!

Cenk in this video says at the moment it’s 64mb but that’s not set in stone.

Is this 64MB total. or per project, per bank, per something else? I believe the A4 had a 2GB +drive chip. If the AR is going to have 64MB per project, that’s an 8GB +drive, if they structure it that way.

wow if the A4 really has a 2 gig +drive flash memory, then most of that space is still unused!

I think this info came from someone who actually opened up the A4 to have look and noticed a 2GB memory chip in there - posted back in the old E-U forum last year, I tried to look for it just now but couldn’t find it.

The assumption was that the mystery chip is in fact the +drive.

Anyway, you’re right: A4 kit and sound settings should not take much space.

I don’t see the point of using the AR to play a 4 minute sample., but I’d still put as much sampling memory in there as possible. It is 2014!


So if the AR has the same 64mb and 2gb memory cards as an A4 then does that mean all projects go to the 2gb and the samples go to the 64mb? If so then did all the projects in the A4 1.00 go to the 64mb and then transferred over to the 2gb memory after 1.1 update? Does that mean the 64mb is now unused in the A4? Maybe we could in the future load samples into the 64mb in the A4 and them load them into say osc2? Layering sample and Osc together like in the AR?

I´m just waiting for Elektron to unlock the sample-playback capabilities of the A4 :slight_smile:

really is that possible? that would be pretty cool if so

that’s totally gonna happen haha

(well… if it were wavetables, that wouldn’t really overlap with the AR’s sample functionality, amiright?)

How about re-sample with bit convert?