Any decent multi loop samplers for live jams?

plus a 6u case and other modules for CV trickery, effects and outward midi sync

probably about £5k or so will get you there!

Alternatively for ~ £1k (as this is something I’ve been looking for for a long time) a tiny desktop PC like an Intel NUC, with a small 7" hdmi screen and mobius connected to a behringer usb audio interface and midi control interface (possibly DIY to all fit in a near elektron sized dedicated looper box.
It’s still technically a computer but what isn’t these days.

I have a £200 Udoo x86 running bidule/ableton/NI and other software pretty well on a 7" screen or remote to an ipad screen.
Works pretty well for light usage with loops and vsts. Plan is to keep it compact and midi controlled (possibly going to case it into one box at some stage) with just the screen for reference (so lose much of that ‘infront of a PC’ feel and get as close to headless as possible)

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Why do you feel that the DJS-1000 is better than Toraiz? I am aware of the mute states per pattern and live sampling, a few extra fx, but if these (if) get added to the SP-16 in the future, what does the DJS have that the SP doesn’t aside from less outs, no dsi filter and the pitch slider?

It might be a bit old but the Korg KP3 is fun and easy to use…such a great machine.


This is a good point if you are more into production and can wait to see what pioneer do with the sp16 update.

Go here
On paper SP-16 looks better but many think DJS is much more inspiring :slight_smile:

it really depends, obviously, on your own workflow and musical direction.
I like to setup a bunch of sounds, fx, patches, whatever and record an extended live jam,
then edit down. I only record to stereo mix for a couple of overdubs later. the price to pay is sometimes you screw up but its worth it for not going down the rabbit hole at mixing stage, because the option isn’t there. I’m not huge on accuracy or structure so that helps. imaginary soundtracks probably best describes. I like to collage things and manipulate sounds as I go. as much as I strongly prefer the OT2, the SP16 has some great benefits at the heart of an improvisation setup. for one I kind of see OT as something which (because of its features) I tend to focus on it more than other equipment,
whereas the sp16 has that but with the 8 outputs you can be working a lot of outboard gear to add movement and character to a jam. current sp16 setup:
tr8 into sp16 on thru channel (tr8 thru DSI filters works for me)
sp16 midi out to AS1 (awesome) and tb3 (a bit shit if I’m honest the waldorf 2 pole helps)
both synths into AH zed 14
tr 8 and samples from sp16 out to zed 14 with various tasty fx on inserts
(104M super delay, superego, lofi junky, ct5, etc etc - lots of fun)
aux send to neunaber wet (fave rvb - simple, versatile, fantastic)
xlr out to DAV compressor to Apogee duet to Auria on ipad pro.

pads, touchstrip, key scale and graphic display are big wins for this method.

sp16 is great for sampling loops as it just sounds so good - if they add live sampling that would take it to another level. if they add more FX and conditional trigs it would be hard to beat. pioneer are getting a lot of stick over the development of sp16, and claim to have got the message. lets see

upside for you is the prices for used are great right now. I tried selling mine, couldn’t, and now realise that was lucky for me.!

tb3 is on the chopping block pending digitone…
I’m working on a project made with this setup, test tracks are on soundcloud / lost angles - playlist is ‘that’s no moon’ if you want to hear sp16 in a non techno setting.
