Any can verify on the TR-8?

A friend was telling me that via USB you get all of the audio tracks from the individual tracks. sounded a lot like OverBridge. Anyone know if this is true?

From the manual…

Synchronizing/recording with your computer DAW via USB

If you use a commercially available USB 2.0 cable to connect the TR-8 to your computer, you can synchronize the TR-8 with your DAW via USB MIDI, or record individual instruments of the TR-8 onto tracks of your DAW via USB audio.

This was explicitly pointed out as a feature by Roland as well as in the Sonic State §review video.

The difference here is that, so far TR8 does not have a plug in to support this feature. Overbridge will have a VSTi plugin so that you do not need to select Elektron unit as your audio source as these details will be handled by Overbridge plugin.

As far as I understand, on TR8, you need to select it as your audio source in the audio settings which can be troublesome if you want to use your sound card at the same time.

Thanks Dataline, that’s brilliant!

Did it yesterday in Logic PRO X and it worked perfect. :slight_smile:
Ch 1-2 Stereo out (whole mix)
Ch 3-14 mono (individual drum sounds)
You set the input levels to Logic with the TR-8 faders.
Sending MIDI-clock from Logic to TR-8 and in sync.

Did it yesterday in Logic PRO X and it worked perfect. :slight_smile:
Ch 1-2 Stereo out (whole mix)
Ch 3-14 mono (individual drum sounds)
You set the input levels to Logic with the TR-8 faders.
Sending MIDI-clock from Logic to TR-8 and in sync.[/quote]
How was the sync? Any latency?

No latency.

Most DAWs support multiple audio interfaces, so that should not be an issue in most cases.

Preferences aside, will Overbridge also support this mode of operation as a configurable option, or will you always have to use the plugin?

would be great if it also worked as a generic class-compliant audio interface (iOS!)

Do they? I was always under the impression that in a Windows environment the issue of multiple audio interfaces was a pain in the tits! Unless you use Asio4All to combine interfaces mind you (which I don’t like as I can never get things running as I like with it). It’s not a problem on a Mac though.

I like the TR-8, but I’d love a Rytm!

Do they? I was always under the impression that in a Windows environment the issue of multiple audio interfaces was a pain in the tits! Unless you use Asio4All to combine interfaces mind you (which I don’t like as I can never get things running as I like with it). It’s not a problem on a Mac though.

I like the TR-8, but I’d love a Rytm![/quote]
Sorry, I keep forgetting Windows is still so far behind OS X for pro audio… :wink:

Also because otherwise Linux user would be kept out.

Anyone with a TR-8 try sequencing it from Elektron gear? Eg, I recently mapped a bunch of midi machine tracks on my MD to control every single CC parameter on my Novation Drumstation…does the TR-8 have CC control? How well does it work?

I’ve been searching for this as well and can’t find any details on MIDI CC spec within their documentation on the Roland website… :neutral_face:

yesterday I tried for the first time recording TR8 individual tracks to my Win8.1 DAW and it worked great. Ableton Live 9 in Windows can only use 1 audio device at a time so I tracked my TR-8 into Ableton by itself, hand adjusted the grouped loops a bit to line it up right on the bar, and the loop worked perfectly.

The thing is, AIRA tech only offers 96k sample rate, so you must export your 96k session if you work in lower 44.1k like me.

I downloaded ASIO4ALL but have not tried it yet. I will report with both Live 9 and Reaper when I do.

I can verify using my midi keyboard controller that the TR8 responds to midi velocity playing the individual voices which is great news, and that the tonal character changes dramatically depending on velocity.

Thanks for reminding me about that… haha!

I have zero problems making aggregate devices in ASIO4all.

Do they? I was always under the impression that in a Windows environment the issue of multiple audio interfaces was a pain in the tits! Unless you use Asio4All to combine interfaces mind you (which I don’t like as I can never get things running as I like with it). It’s not a problem on a Mac though.

I like the TR-8, but I’d love a Rytm![/quote]
Sorry, I keep forgetting Windows is still so far behind OS X for pro audio… ;)[/quote]
I believe the only way to get multiple audio interfaces into Ableton is in OSX is to aggregate in the “audio MIDI setup” there is a tool like this for windows but I forget the name.