I am looking to add another synth to my setup. Recently sold a Mono machine due to the workflow issues (for me) of having too many Elektrons in the mix, so I am not interested in another Elektron machine.
Currently I am using an Octatrack, MD, Minitaur and Mopho X4.
Keys and Knobs are essential and modern only.
I am leaning toward a new Bass station after testing one and watching every tutorial/review available.
Didn’t get on with the Minibrute. Too agro so I sold it. Korg MS20 mini is a possibility, but the wobbly knobs are a put off…Sub Phatty definitely a possibility, but perhaps too much cross over with the Minitaur?
A second hand MEK is tempting too.
If anyone can recommend a synth that fits the criteria and doesn’t overlap for the most part I would like to hear your thoughts.
Preferably up to $1000 but can stretch a bit further if I have too.