Another Analog RYTM Price Hike

Screenshot 2023-02-27 at 12.00.36

When I first got into the Elektron world with the Model:Cycles two years ago, I had the idea that I’d upgrade to the RYTM MKII down the line. It was about $1,600 new in 2020. At some point in 2021, that price jumped to $1,800. And upon checking today, Sweetwater is selling it for $1,900. Perfect Circuit no longer has it in stock at $1,800 and I’m willing to bet it’s going to come back in stock with the same price hike.

Not sure that there’s any end to this in sight. Is there a chance these rising prices are leading up to an eventual replacement? Or might this be a sign of the opposite?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Analog Rytm price rise

many such threads already existing for all devices already, it happens