Analogue Solutions Telemark, opinions?

Hello Elektronauts!

Have anyone here had any experience with the Analogue Solutions Telemark? I am looking for a semi-modular synth for both audio processing and regular synth duties (slaving it to the A4).
I have for a long time been GASing for a Korg MS-20 and stumbled across this one recently. How do they compare?
Judging by the online demos I have heard it does sound good and it seems very flexible. What do you guys think?


Sounds fantastic but the build quality leaves a lot to be desired for the price point - personally experience.
Mine shipped with a bent front panel leaving a gap in the top of the unit a got 3mm wide (enough to see internals) and a faulty power supply that fried the internals somewhat…
Nothing you couldn’t get from an SEM patch panel at around the same price point with far superior build quality (all IMHO of course).
Just for the record I also owned an original Leipzig that had some of the flakiest osc pitch tracking via midi imaginable.
Now perhaps I was just unlucky but two not so great experiences have put me off Aanalog Solutions Equipment.
The MS20 Mini isn’t mind blowing build quality but it is considerably cheaper but that SEM sound is something special indeed (especially the multimode filter).

So this would be my suggestion (if you have an A4 and don’t mind sequencing via CV/Gate -