Seriously… my elektron analog four just reset all sounds to some predefined factory demo-sound settings for several patterns and now my entire liveset is messed up, sounds/tweaks parameter locks/FX settings etc are all gone but sequences are still there. This is a complete disaster as im playing in 10 hours, anyone experience this before?
Seems the demokits which i have overwritten when working on my liveset somehow reverted to their original state. Is this a known bug?
Any help would be really appreciated, i have soundcheck in 7 hours.
I think you have to save a preset kit to a new location and under a new name if you want to keep the changes.
If you have saved each kit with the latest edits you should be able to reload the kit, no? If you have saved the project slot you should be able to reload the project…
First thing you should do before messing with anything though, is to do a full sysex backup of the current project or save it to a new project slot.
So what you guys are saying is that the preset slots are non user editable/storable? That sounds extremely weird and illogical. Ok, ill start using a new set then.
Thanks for the help, recreated all sounds and saved a new project. All good and live set was a success!
you do not have to save to a different slot. that would be the dumbest design ever.