Analog Rytm - Pics of the pages in the manual

Here you go. Just a quick “scan” of the manual.
I have no scanner, so it’s shitty photos, but it’s better than nothing, right?

thanks sir! readable for sure just gotta zoom :slight_smile:

Great !!!
Thansk a lot :slight_smile:

Thank you very much!

Thanks for taking the time to do this mate.

Thanks outshape. This is great! I took the scans and lightened up a bit and made a smaller PDF. Enjoy!

Thanks chaps, this is wicked. Liking the ‘Solo in Place’ function!

Sweet thanks!

Nice one! Thanks man :+1:

first time posting! long time reading!


Very kind! Thanks!


Analog Rytm manual - LEAKED :slight_smile:

Thanks very much…

mmh scanning and publishing a book sounds like an copyright violation to me… but maybe electron has no problem in that case

Usually manuals are downloadable so what’s the prob ?
Anyway this is such a tiny manual in comparison with the other elektron instruments !

It’s only a quickstart guide, the full one will be pdf only I guess :slight_smile:


coOL ! Thanks ! :slight_smile:


The text is so tiny in the quick start guide. It makes the AR screen look huge by comparison! :slight_smile: