Analog Rytm MK 2 Freezes [Earlier/Resolved]

As far as I can tell there is no pattern, mine froze randomly, one of the many reasons I got rid of it.

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Mine has froze 2x only recently and it’s also when I’ve been connected to my laptop running the latest overbridge BETA version.

There is an attempt upthread to begin to determine a pattern:


Elektron support told me they were able to reproduce my freeze scenario and are working to pin down the cause.


Good work!!!

I got a second unit this week from a mid-2019 production run with 1.45B. It froze as well. Sweetwater pushed Elektron on an explanation and they denied that there was an issue. Not a joke. I’m really bummed but returning the unit(s).

I’m running the Furman 6 outlet power strip and no other gear has issues. This is the run time freeze not the capacitor-caused boot freeze.

I’m hopping off the Elektron gear wagon for a while. They’ve got engineering resources to push model:samples, a superficial update to the Analog Heat, and the ugliest keyboard I’ve ever seen. But not the base functionality of their flagship products.


Well, that’s discouraging and I’m sorry to hear that you had to send the ARMKII back - I absolutely understand your frustration. I have probably given Elektron too much slack with all the problem units I had (three with pad mute problems.) My current 2019 build so far is without any issues.
Can you provide any details about the freeze? How long was the unit running, what operations were you performing and did it happen more than once? I will do my best to try to duplicate the freeze if possible and if it happens, I’ll be in touch with Elektron immediately. Us users who are sticking with the ARMKII need to know we aren’t going to have the freezing issue crop up somewhere down the road.

Unit 1 - the first freeze happened after ~4 minutes. At that point I was getting to know the unit and don’t recall what I was doing. It didn’t freeze again but I requested a replacement.

Unit 2 - was stable for ~15 hours of use in chunks of 2-3 hours. I would leave it running in chain mode through all the stock bank-A patterns when I wasn’t working with it. I had chained them is some random order and would stop by and switch between pad modes (scene, play, mute, etc) and then the trig, source, filter, etc buttons. I walked in on it frozen. It had been on for a while.

This is a serious bummer. I’d spent 2 solid weeks mastering it. It’s awesome. I fear that Elektron doesn’t know what’s causing it, or is letting this fire burn while they prioritize other work. They denied the issue to Sweetwater. I find that shady.

PolyEnd Seq and Nord Drum should be pretty rad. Shows up Wednesday.

the rytm works absolutely perfect!

I own/have owned 4 Elektron units (still have 3), but I don’t see myself buying anything else from them unless they really address existing issues and fix them. There’s way too many other great synth/drum machine builders out there who are doing it right.


Same here.

Sweetwater pushed Elektron on an explanation and they denied that there was an issue .

They did the same thing when I ordered my ARMK2 from Pro Audio Star, I sent them a link to this thread and they were peeved to say the least considering I wasn’t the only person they were dealing with who had issues. My rep had remarked that they were having problems keeping the units out the door because they would regularly get returned for misc stability issues.

The plot thickened when I noticed Pro Audio Star no longer sells the RYTM MK2 lol.

Elektron hasn’t been handling their growth very well in my opinion and some friends of mine also share my love/hate relationship with them as a company (and I feel bad since one of them bought a RYTM MK2 on my recommendation). I can forgive correctable mistakes on a product roll out - to a degree I expect to deal with issues as an early adopter, but what I don’t forgive is a company lying to my retailer about my issues.

But hey for what its worth, the RYTM MK1 is still a fantastic buy lol. I recently scored one for $650 and have no complaints.

Fwiw. No plot. Pro Audio Star no longer stock ANY Elektrons. Except the Digitone.

Yeah just noticed that today after not checking their site for over a year - the RYTM MK2 was the first product they dropped from Elektron and I guess they must have slowly phased out the others. Strange though, I personally think the Digitakt and Digitone are absolutely worth stocking at the very least.

Either way I’m definitely interested in seeing what comes from Elektron’s findings based on dtr’s post, maybe they can pinpoint a memory leak occurring in the OS and through that begin to identify other behavioral problems centric to it elsewhere. If they can completely resolve the random freezing, I might even consider buying a MK2 again - capacitor quirks and all.

this happens to me on my AR-2 everyday haha

I’ve been happily using mine daily for 18 months or so. I have had the occasional, seemingly random freeze. Less than 10 over that period. I have not been following this thread, so I’m not aware of how people have been finding it generally. Sometimes ignorance is bliss :slight_smile:

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So this led to an intermediary unreleased OS that I tested. I wasn’t able to make it freeze anymore. I’m assuming this ended up in OS 1.50. So it looks like we should be free of freezes now!

From release notes:

[MKII] The device would freeze under some circumstances.


That’s great news! Will update my Rytm today and test as well.


Haven’t heard anyone complain about freezes since the update so fingers crossed!


your tenacity paid off then (for everyone), thanks :thup: