Analog Rytm MIDI sync settings


I have problems with MIDI sync.
I have my roland tb 03 connected via MIDI cable to my analog rytm but when I hit play nothing happens.
Do someone knows what the problem is?

What’s going in and what’s going out?

Who is the master and who is slave?

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I have a MIDI cable going from my elektron to the roland but ableton is master

So you’re using the USB to the RYTM I’m assuming or you have a MIDI convertor to USB and you want the RYTM to play when Ableton plays.

Are you just trying to sync clock? First make sure in USB Config in System is set to overbridge mode. In port config under Global in the midi settings make sure that input from is MIDI + USB.

First thing first… how are you getting clock from your computer?

I have my USB connected to ableton and it’s in USB + MIDI mode, so when I press play in ableton the rytm plays but the signal doesn’t go to my roland and it’s not 100 % syncronised

is the TB 3 set up to receiving clock? The RYTM is also set up to receive and send clock? Try Transport send in midi settings.

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Are you using the Rytm’s MIDI OUT or MIDI THRU?


MIDI out

Switch to midi thru