A rough sketch on my new setup, it’s not a proper mix! Just a small demo of the type of sounds one can expect from this. Genome Midi Sequencer app on iPad is sequencing Pulse and Microzwerg via USB MIDI interface, audio going together with the Rytm into a Yamaha 8-track mixer, recorded on a Tascam DR07mk2 microrecorder. I don’t actually know where the heavy compression at some places is coming from, probably a mixture of the Rytm builtin and what’s going on in the recorder… have to check again. The Rytm plays a heavily modified and extended preset pattern, also using custom samples (like the voices). Playing with mutes, sometimes adjusting the instrument levels or even some trigs… I need to do this again properly!! Some exra delay from an old Boss, reverb is a mixture of mixer internal fx + from a simple Behringer stomp box. iPad is connected to a USB hub via Apple Camera Connection Kit and the to the Rytm and a simple USB MIDI Interface.
Just what I had lying around here (it doesnt even has a proper casing atm, it’s just a naked circuit board). Also, I’m not sure, but the original Pulse may sound more raw.
Too bad Waldorf did not put any internal fx on board of the Pulse 2. So I think you would also need some external multi-fx, for example, from an old Zoom. What the Rytm is also missing for a decent standalone live sound imo is some equing on the individual tracks, and 8+ channel mixers are generally quite heavy… maybe they can supply at least basic hicut and locut options later, similar to what’s in the fx delay section? Good there are the individual outputs!
I feel Pulse and AR are working very, very well together in my setup now (together with mixer and extra fx), the 3 Oscs on the Pulse supply for some real extra fat in the recipe.