Analog Four Voted Hardware of the Year

Congratulations Elektron!!! Very pleasant to read that, this morning :wink:

Yes!!! We are extremely honored!


Congrats! It’s easy to take for granted how great the machine is sometimes. Glad you guys are reminded of your hard work!

The machine is rocking (loving mine, best purchase I made after the octatrack of course). But whats even nicer is the nice community of people who really try and push the gear to its limits (which are pretty damn boundless).

Congrats! Completely deserved, of course, it’s just a friggin beast of a machine! Love, love, love it to bits! Well deserved! :slight_smile:

Elektron is on a roll!

We’ll deserved. Glad I took the time to vote.


very good!

thought for sure that the volcas would pwn a poll like this!

Way to go! Totally deserved guys. Good timing too, with AK around the corner.

Congrats on the award!! I’m taking mine out to breakfast! :slight_smile:

YeaH!!! Cheeersssss!!!

I was one of the voting guy for A4 when i was not yet an owner!

Max Trust in Elektron!

Congrats guys! Keep my GAS feverish! :+1:

Was there ever any question that the A4 would take the prize? Nope!

dunno, as it was a public poll, i thought the most mainstream (most press, most youtube videos, lowest price) thing would certainly win… volcas got raving reviews all around, and were also more recently released…

so I for one am pleasantly surprised that the more specialist/expensive/serious-business Analog Four indeed took the crown!

Nice work, well done. It is a shock the volca series didn’t get it I agree. Had a go at the weekend and the build/sound and features are punching way above there price range. I honestly think they could ask £300 each and still be successful.

Nice one tho!! The cv sequencer side of A4 is what still swings it above competition for me.

congratulations! once more, for another great machine. :alien:

Proud to be Elektronfan. Thx a lot to Elektron team witch allow us to play with modern & eficient hardware

Love mine, well done Elektron

this is only the beginning.