will it have in a Future OS Update a Poly or Chord Mode like in the new Analog keys Synth ? Thx
You must have missed the kaffuffle round here. But yes December 9th is poly mode and free +drive day.
Free +drive? Really? Missed that too. Can you link me to that announcement?
It’s somewhere in the depths of the night of machines thread. The plus drive is already installed in the analog four and will become active with the new OS update on the 9th.
Merry Christmas
great news, thanks for sharing!
A4 + drive = yay.
Any other hidden attributes we should know about?
Yep a new filtermode called “extreme resonance”
it is the milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard
What does free+drive mean?
+Drive is Elektronspeak for ‘more memory locations’.
thanks a lot this are great news…