Analog Four Poly Config - holy sh*t it's good!?!?

you can program this with midi processor, pretty easy with a midi note rotation but you cannot use the play SAME sound option you have to choose play track sound and it’s not convenient because there are too many options to copy paste between each track and no CTRL ALL…
I would love a virus

This shows one my favorite things about the A4 poly config. if you can get paste my ring sync nonsense in the first minutes to get the pad break. setting up a track as the base sound for a Poly section of a song, and experimenting with track muting to make room for voice allocation can give a nice A-B part to a single pattern. The A4 does lovely pads and even only using 3 note poly with clever Sub oscillator and 2nd osc. tuning you can get rich voicings.


That is insane.

I ever thought of that unison + track sounds. What an interesting idea.

I woul love a control all function to make those 4 track sounds evolve together

That’s where the performance macros are for, right?


Hum, yes but it’s not convenient if you just want exactly the same sound on each track, not enough macro…

I hear what you’re saying, but even on the DN/DT when you do CTRL ALL every track is controlled and altered relative to its own setting. The same would happen on the A4 if you assigned a Perf Macros control to the same parameter across all 4 tracks (say resonance for example, it would move all 4 tracks relative to their own Res values).

I get it though, this still takes some time to set up, you can’t do it as ‘on the fly’ as the Digi boxes… BUT, I’d much rather have the performance controls of the Analogs over the Digis… once they’re configured, the D’s can’t live with the A’s… :eyes::sunglasses:

What ?? :cat2:didn’t understood sorry

In fact I would like in this case to have the exact same sound on all Analog four tracks. So the values of the tracks have the same relative values…
I would like a function to have a kind of polyphony where : sounds of tracks are the same contrôlable with one track only but where Oscillators values could be played with 8 notes per example from an external keyboard…
Thank you anyway

You can do that… easiest way is to do it in Poly mode with one track, take the voices from the other tracks. :call_me_hand:

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On a similar note, I’d like to be able to control a specific parameter on a single voice, or control all of them simultaneously as an alternative. For example, it’s cool to have individual amp envelope release values, but sometimes i need all voices to be the same.

On the digitone it’s as simple as holding the midi button, but is it possible on an analog four? (I don’t own one)

The Analog Four can do that and is way more flexible than the Digitone.
You have the Performance macros, meaning you apply any/all of the tracks’ Release controls to one knob.

But whereas the DN would affect them all by the same value using ‘ctrl all’, with the A4 you could set the amount of the tracks individually, so, for example, you might want the release of a bass track to increase by 50% and a pad track to move to Infinite release, or any combination… easily done with the A4, and on pretty much any parameter.


Digitone is waaaaaaay more immediate with Ctr+All… I am seeing mapping parameters to the perf macros as heavy work I rarely dive into … so many knobs and buttons to turn / press for even one parameter.


Immediacy doesn’t equal better though, right?
I get it’s really quick and easy on the DN (and DT), and it is useful (although I personally think it gets tired/cliched quickly as an effect)…. But the A4/AR are another level when it comes to performance macro tweaking.

‘Heavy work’ is subjective too… I find it quite straightforward and easy to set up A4 perf parameters to tweak… it’s also one of the areas where I think Overbridge comes into its own too, it’s really easy to set up there.


For me it does. Further more …there is a similar feature on the Digitone: The menu where you can map stuff like modwheel, breath controller etc. (of course you’d need an external controller for that - like the Digitakt for example :slight_smile:) - so in the end the Analogs are missing Ctrl+all imho.

Maybe I’ll try Overbridge to set up my Macros - should be faster?

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It does for me.

Going back to the analog four, what’s the limit for the amount of assignable macro knobs?

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Yeah you’re right, you can use the Mod and Pitchbend settings in the Digitone to perform similar macro moves… and I do really dig the Digitone btw.

Definitely, it’s wayyy faster using OB, and better/more intuitive because you get an overview of all the allocated parameters in one window.

It is an annoying trade-off, generally weird thing with elektron that features are not supersetted as the range (theoretically) moves up.

A4 has great features (like song mode, perf macros, etc) but not a superset of Digi* features (ctrl all for example.)

Why do Elektron do this? Because for them perf macros are the same as ctrl-all?

EDIT: but I agree, perf macros give more control, but maybe fewer happy accidents

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I really have no answer to your question, but analog synthesis can sometimes set boundaries for things that are possible in the digital realm. Perhaps this is the reason. On a side note, the digitone has no separate outputs and doesn’t produce the same type of sounds. With gear, everything is a tradeoff.

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Yes, this makes sense, as in it is an engineering trade-off, not a product one! Good thinking