A4 MKI slow LFO encoder

Hello folks,

I just got A4 MKI version , everything seems fine but there is one weird behaviour on LFO page.

The lfo “depth” adjustment encoders has to be turned forever even lets say from value 0 to 6.
It is weird , only way to adjust value without neverending turning I have to push it and adjust afterwards. This strange *bug / behaviour appears only on LFO pages.

Have you experienced something like this ?
Is it normal ?

Any thoughts will be much appreciated

I’m not too familiar with Analog four MKI but you may want to state which firmware you’re currently using, make sure it’s the current one, and then there are a couple threads with bug reports. I assume this one I linked is the most current.

I did a quick search in the thread (using the check box for “search this topic” in the magnifying glass drop down) for the keyword “LFO” but I didn’t see specifically what you’re talking about.

You might be able to refine the search criteria a little further and see if you come up with anything. There is also another older bug reports thread for the prior firmware in case that’s what you’re on. Worth taking a look at least, sounds annoying!

This is expected default behavior.
The LFO depth is very sensitive, and in creative ways can be used for micro adjustments of modulated parameters.
I believe only the LFOs operate like this.
You get used to it, just like getting used new Elektron encoders after using the older versions


and there you have it.


It acts same on ENV page. Maybe its a little more sensitive on ENV page but is definitly needs endless rotation.

I don’t feel that it is factory behavior. If it is , than it is very poor configuration.

*1.51 os is installed.

Test mode is your friend for testing encoder performance relative to all other encoders

Hold FUNC while booting up - select Test Mode (fully read the manual on this, so you don’t press the wrong option)

When you are finally in, Trigs 1,2,3,4,5 allow you to test the illuminations, pressing buttons beyond those tests their operation

But crucially, turning Encoders will show an illustration of their relative performance - all should be consistent in this view, it should be easy to see if any are behaving differently or erratically - it can happen

Do not spray anything into an encoder - there are lots of topics giving advice on potential solutions if you do have an issue with one or more encoders

Be sure to search Mk1 specific topics, the parts used are fundamentally different to those used on MK2s


Thanks mate , I’ll check the test mode.

I’ll post how it gonna respond.

*I can not risk to touch anything myself , replacement or spray , I’m not good at it.

  • I’ve tested all the buttons in “Test Mode”.
    Leds are responsive on every button/encoder. No difference between different buttons/encoders.

It seems that it’s default/factory behaviour.

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You are right , after “Test Mode” everything seems to work fine , so I’m taking time slowly understanding how It operates and I’m getting used to it. And yes , LFO depth is very sensitive even to slightest adjustment , I’ll get used to it as you mantiones :slight_smile:

As I said before, you get used to it.
After using MKIs it feels weird to use the newer encoders, but again time will create muscle memory for each machine

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What’s nice about this behavior is you could map an oscillators pitch to become altered by the LFO less than a fraction of 1.
Then you can use the depth to activate it.
Super nice for creating dramatically different sounds with micro movements.

  • Update

As I suspected , encoder started to reveal itself. “H” encoder started to drift. It’s obvious on “Test Mode” as well.

Do you know guys where can I purchase encoder for replacement ?

I’ve ordered directly from Elektron. I think I emailed at usercare@elektron.se. If I remember right, they cost about 6$ CAD each. (Canada) I did all 10 to get it over with.

I probably should have done the level encoder… but it’s fine for now.

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