Analog Four Mk1 - Overbridge issue

Hi all,
I recently received an A4 mk1 and am trying to get it to work with Overbridge in Ableton.
I can see my A4 in the Overbridge Engine, and in the Overbridge Control Panel, but when I select the A4 VST from the plugin folder, the plugin does not match the kit I have loaded on my device. Rather, it shows a new kit with “New Sound” in each of the four tracks instead of the four sounds I have loaded on my actual A4.
Additionally, I can stream audio from the A4 if I use an audio track, but I can’t figure out how to stream each of the four tracks independently despite the fact that I have each of the four tracks enabled on the control panel.
I know I must be missing something very obvious, but I’ve read through the Overbridge user manual and I still can’t seem to figure it out.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Whenever posting issues with Overbridge, you will need to give detailed information along with your issues.

What Elektron (A4) device OS/firmware, what Overbridge version (down to last decimal) what computer OS, what version of Ableton (down to last decimal). These details have to be met first for troubleshooting purposes.

Often folks are just not running the latest versions of Overbridge Beta or Elektron firmware. That could be your issue here:

That said, for this issue…

… you have to use the multiple outputs of the VST to send into additional audio tracks in Live.


figured it out! realized I wasn’t using the newest version of Overbridge.
Thanks Adam!

please feel free to close the thread :slight_smile:

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