Analog Four/Keys users - A tip for a deep control of your sounds!

Hello guys,

May be some of you already uses this technique I’m about to talk, may be some of you aren´t aware, so here we goes, and if it is already posted please let me know.

I like to have deep control on my synths, I use performance macros mostly for that, but sometimes I found myself needing more knobs or more parameters per performance macro.

So, there are some CC controls already wired on the Analog Four to act like the performance macros, with the difference that they will work only on it’s own track’s parameters. The performance macros can control any parameter for any track.

So those magic parameters are, Breath Control CC2, Mod wheel CC1 and Chan Pressure or Aftertouch.

So on each track you can set to control up to 5 parameters per each of those controls, exactly as you do with the Performance macros.

If you aren’t using those controls already and you want to use them to have more control over your sounds expression, I think one of the best devices to deal with those parameters is the Novation Launch Control, it has 16 rotary faders (x8 banks) that you can program to send Mod Wheel and Breath Control to your Analog Four tracks.

The Launch Control is class compliant so you can use it without a computer. You need a computer to set the CCs and MIDI channels. Then just plug it on any MIDI interface with USB Host capabilities and you are ready to control your sounds expression. (iConnectivity MIDI 4, iConnectivity Audio 4, Kenton MIDI USB Host).

To use aftertouch you will need to convert a CC to aftertouch, using a computer is extremely easy, dunno if any of those MIDI USB host can transform from one type to another.

Another think I find great is that those MIDI CCs are persistent, so you can use a controller like the Launch Control and there is no need for MIDI feedback, what you see is what you get.

You can change patterns/kits and the CCs values will persist, like the Mute State does.

Also you can control parameters from the FX and CV channel, so this way you can be in control of all the standard Performance Macros, plus 2 o 3 Macros per track, control analog voltages, etc, and all without leaving the Performance Mode and with true visual feedback. :slight_smile:

So far I’m really enjoying this technique, let me know what you think!


I recently discovered the pleasure of using the mod wheel to enhance the experience of playing with this synth, thx for pointing out there are still unused strings to be pulled :slight_smile:


There are a lot of strings to pull! :wink:

I used to have two performance macro knobs to transform each track sound in “up direction” (brighter timbre, longer decays, etc., fx wet, etc.), and a third knob to minimize the sound (short decay and or long attack, more filtered, less vcf amt. etc.). I like to “minimize” sounds when transitioning from one “song” to another. By using this technique sounds blends better than just using track’s level and transitions are smooth and more organic. Now I’m using the performance macro knobs for the “up direction” sound part, and the Launch Control knobs for the “minimize sound” part, so I know that the normal state for the Launch Control knobs is full open and I don’t need to remember to many things, also I released performance macro knobs to be used in other tasks.

For me, one thing that is very important for Live sessions is to have a pre defined workflow, this means that a knob will always affect a particular track sound in the “same direction” (like the up direction, and minimize examples I just wrote about). This way you don’t have to remember a lot of details about what knob is doing what and the Live session flows smooth and intuitive. Obviously there are some exceptions, but “some” is easy to remember than “all”. :wink:

So far I’m very happy with this workflow.


I know each people has his own workflow (or none at all), but I found your infos VERY instructive, Gustavo.
Thanks a lot for sharing these tricks, I found it really open my mind on the subject, even if it’s still far ahead of me :smile:


Hola Gustavo! … primero , gracias por tus aportes,que siempre son buenísimos… quería hacerte una consulta… tocamos live con dos amigos más,varas máquinas,entre ellas una Roland mc808 que solo va bien cuando está de master… entonces mi Analog four va slave después de una caja midi thru…está ocupado el midi in 5pin… entonces… como puedo colocar algún controlador para aprovechar todas las posibilidades q vos decís?.. hice un Lemur q entra por usb-midi ,pero el tacto del iPad no me convence p directos… tengo un minilab…pero no sé cómo hacer y si funcionaría poner un powered hub…si crees q si andaría…qué modelo?como habría q conectarlo?..
Bueno, espero tu respuesta, si queres mirar lo q hacemos,somos Kasanks…,y si algún día queres venir a tocar por acá (Andorra/Barcelona),avisa q montamos algo… un abrazo y gracias x tu tiempo, Julian

The mod options on the the AK/A4 are amazing.
Having 5 destinations for the Breath, ModWheel, and Aftertouch is great.
To play the AK/A4 expressively with the Linnstrument I used Breath, ModWheel.

Gbravetti it sounds like you have found some interesting ways to use macro controls.
I like the minimize the sound idea; I use velocity to that on a patch by patch basis, but sometimes it would be nice to just be able to shorten the sound regardless of the velocity.
Or have both a macro knob & the velocity affect the attack/decay, filter cutoff, reduce FX etc.

Great ideas. Thank you for sharing.

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Hey Julian, I’m glad you find my ideas useful.

About your question. To use the controller I’m talking about (Launch Control), which I find super interesting because it’s price and small size, you will need a MIDI interface USB Host capable. Because you are also using Lemur, I advise you to go for the iConnect MIDI 4.

With the iConnect MIDI 4 you will be able to connect several controllers to the AF without the need of a computer. This interface can host AF USB MIDI ports directly, allowing you to interconnect them to other class compliant MIDI devices also connected to the iConnect MIDI 4 trough a
USB HUB (like the Overhub).

The idea is that you’ll have a USB HUB connected to the iConnect device, the AF and the Launch Control connected to the USB HUB and that’s it, they will be already talking. At the same time you can connect your iPad directly to the iConnect and then Lemur will have access to all the connected MIDI controllers and the AF as well, this way Lemur can act also as a MIDI processor, handing data to and from all the connected devices, feedback, etc.

There is another interface from the same manufacturers called NEO that claims to be as good as the iConnect MIDI 4, I did’t test it personally but I think that one could be even better.

Also there is another option also from iConnectivity, the iConnect Audio 4, it has just 1x MIDI DIM (IN +OUT) but it also has 4x4 Audio, so you can use it to Merge other synths to your setup, process them with effects on the iPad, also adding iPad synthesisers to the equation, the Arutria and the Moog ones are very good, try the Ruismaker also.

If you don’t want to use the iConnect you should use a computer and an application like MAX to Merge and send MIDI to the A4

And at last, you can use a MIDI controller that has MIDI DIM in and out with MIDI thru option (either a third DIN or the possibility to internally route IN to OUT), and if THRU isn’t available, then use a MIDI MERGE Box like the ones from MIDISolutions



Que tal Julian, que bueno que les sirvan mis aportes.
Respecto al tema que planteas. Para usar el controlador del que hablo (Launch Control), que me parece super interesante por su portabilidad y precio, vas a precisar una interface MIDI que haga las de HOST. Como me dices que también usas Lemur (igual aquí), te recomiendo plenamente la iConnect MIDI 4.

Con la iConnectMIDI 4 podrás conectarle varios controladores al AF y sin la necesidad de usar una computadora. Esta placa reconoce los puertos del AF y te permite interconectarlo con otros dispositivos MIDI que sean class compliant y estén conectados a dicha interface mediante un HUB USB (como el Overhub).

En resumen tendrías un USB HUB conectado a la iConnect MIDI 4, el AF lo conectarías al HUB vía USB junto con el Launch Control (soporta hasta 8 dispositivos class compliant) y listo, ya estarían hablando. A su vez puedes tener también e Lemur conectado directo a la iConnect MIDI 4 y este también estaría intercomunicado con el AF y los controladores, esto te permitiría hasta crear procesadores MIDI para tus controladores en Lemur, feedback, etc.

Hay una interface nueva que se llama NEO de los mismos fabricantes que también funcionaría, aunque esta no la probé personalmente creo que hasta podría ser mejor.

Por otro lado también de iConnectivity hay una interface llama iConnect Audio 4. Esta interface tiene solo un puerto MIDI DIM (in+out), lo que si tiene ademas son 4 entradas/salidas de audio, lo que te permitiría hacer un submix de sintetizadores de hardware hacia tu setup, con la posibilidad de procesarlos con efectos en el iPad, agregar sintetizadores de iPad etc. Esto te lo recomiendo si vas a utilizar el iPad en tu setup y quieres sacarle provecho extra, hay unos muy buenos sintes como los de Arturia o Moog, el Ruismaker es muy bueno para drums también.

Si no quieres usar una interface como la iconnect , entonces tienes que usar computadora y hacer el Merge en Max por ejemplo.

Y por último, también puedes utilizar un controlador que tenga MIDI DIM y que tenga MIDI thru (ya sera físico o por ruteo interno), o sin MIDI thru y un MIDI Merge box como las de MIDISolutions.


My pleasure!

Never tried the Linnstrument, it looks fantastic by the way.
Velocity works great but when you want to affect a pattern remotely unfortunately I think there is no option to control velocity by MIDI, I mean for a pre recorded pattern. It would be awesome to be able to control by MIDI all the parameters on the Arp and Note pages. Another thing I’m missing is a function like the “Velocity to 5 params” but for Keyboard tracking. I think there are a lot of parameters that will benefit form Keyboard tracking besides the Filters. :slight_smile:

Anyway there are a lot of stings to be pulled yet as @LyingDalai said.


Ok!!! , very clear now!! Need to find an i-connect to include in our setup…thanks for answer!!! Julian

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So those magic parameters are, Breath Control CC2, Mod wheel CC1 and Chan Pressure or Aftertouch.

Hi dude !

What is Chan pressure ?

Did you use LSB and MSB CC for them ? or just CC 1 and CC2 ?

Did you found other CC for pitch bend and aftertouch ?

And an other question : when I move knob in these pitch bend menu, did it affect knob in the osc track ?

Ty !

Is just another name to refer to the Aftertouch message.

CC 1 and 2 only.

Pitch and Aftertouch aren’t CC, that’s why I use an application to convert CC’s to them.

This one I don’t understand, can you ask again using a different phrase?


lol the last one is just bull***, I am sorry about !
:slight_smile: You rock !
So you use a converter ?
Are they Nrpn based ?

What is breathctrl in fact ?

heheh, ok about the last one.

I use Cycling’74 Max to convert MIDI data, is a software that runs on Mac OS or Windows.
Actually you can’t say it is NRPN based cos it handles all kind of MIDI data NRPN included.
If you don´t want a computer you can use Lemur on iPad and a iConnect MIDI 4+ or similar.

BreathController is a hardware MIDI controller. The actual sensor part fits on your mouth, then you blow it. The hardest you blow the highest the CC value. It was very popular on the 80’s allowing keyboard players to have a deep expression control on their synthesisers. Nowadays it is still part of the standardised MIDI CC messages.


Do I understand correctly that it is not possible to control those features (breath ctrl etc.) externally through a MIDI device without the use of a middleman – hardware (Mac/Pc/iPad) – running appropriate software?

Is it even possible to access those features just though A4/AK’s MIDI ports?
To my understanding this setup makes use of USB ports both for A4/AK and Novation Lanuch Ctrl, correct?

Thanks a lot for sharing those wonderful insights!

Breath control and all the other performance controllers are all working fine if you connect via DIN MIDI … if you want to use a controller which is USB MIDI only, then you must connect that device to a USB host and route the midi from there

Search for Kenton USB host for a typical simple solution
Or even devices like the Axolotl can be used
along with computers, including Raspberry Pi
so you don’t need to spend a lot, but the simplest is a dedicated device like the Kenton

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Thanks for the tips!

So do I get it correctly that the setup could be just A4+device/controller connected only via DIN MIDI to control those parameters?

Many thanks for help!

p.s. I do understand that for a USB-B only controller I need a host;)

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Yes, the cool thing is that the host can be as small as this: