Analog Four default sound?

Is it possible for the user to change the default settings for a ‘cleared sound’? The sound created when you press [track] + [clear], or selecting ‘clear track sound’ from the menu.

If it is not, then why are the defaults the way they are?

The filters being engaged to cut off both the high and low end ‘by default’ I think leads a lot of users to thinking the A4 has a soft and anemic sound. It wasn’t until I created by own default with the filters not engaged until I personally overcame that common complaint about the A4.

There are some other parameters that seem to be set at arbitrary values as well. OSC 2 pwm speed, LFO 2 speed and vibrato speed (22). I may be missing some others, but 2 of those 3 have affected my experience of using the A4 in an intuitive manner. The filter page’s defaults nearly had me selling my A4.

hmm… I think the reason is: if you do live improv and switch to a cleared patch, this init patch will be less shitty and less up-front than a raw unfiltered saw wave… It will likely just drown in the mix.

They actually changed the init patch from a raw saw with open filters to the current patch in one of the past OS upgrades…

that said, I too would welcome the possibility to define the init patch. Though tbh, I wouldn’t even know what I would use instead of the current patch. I think as it is, it’s a sensible basis for saw-based sounds.

also, I have never seen anyone saying or writing that the A4 has a “soft and anemic sound”.
Seriously, if someone judges this synth based on the init-patch,
it’s the wrong synth<–>person combination…

In all seriousness - the user ought to be able to define the init patch, this is one of my top feature requests, it’s a simple usability thing, it’s such a deep synth and there are many parameters which are set to some other idea of vanilla than to mine - grabbing a template sound from somewhere else is not as quick !

I use this all the time, because i like sound design and making new patches up - sure there are work arounds but if enough people show interest in a user defined init patch maybe it can be made to happen

Keep in mind, it’s not just the init patch that’s set this way, you can clear individual pages back to default - so it may or may not be complicated for Elektron to implement

There’s plenty of memory in this thing, so including a user slot which can also determine the individual page ‘erasing to default’ is probably doable, if there’s enough interest in the user community

This level of detail is the finesse which makes good things great

I’d go further, let’s have a user defined init kit too so that all the fx settings etc go vanilla to my tastes! yeah you can load one in, but that doesn’t let you define ‘clear the page’ defaults !!!

Let’s make it happen

It’s the most common complaint I’ve seen about the A4, however I think we could safely ignore that for the discussion.

To me it feels like starting every patch creation with a grey slate. It’s not bright, it’s not bassy. It’s not a classic sound, it’s not a modern sound. The filter settings just make all the waveforms sound mediocre. Always starting from that place, for me at least, grew into an overall feeling that I was fighting the machine to get the sounds I wanted.

That doesn’t even account for when you forget that the filters are set that way and end up tuning the oscs and modulation, all the time with an unsatisfying sound, until you goto the filters. Not every sound starts with tweaking the filters.

What about creating your personalized init patch and storing it somewhere, and when you need to start a new one you copy/paste that one and go?

Same with kits, you create your ideal starting kit, store it (but lose one kit slot), and then copy paste it when you want to start a new kit?

All in all, the best init patch to me should be the less pre formatted as possible, all filters open, a raw sawtooth, all values to zero. A sort of white paper if one wants to start from scratch.
I can understand that in a live situation one could want to avoid such a raw sound to sneak in, though.

That’s what I do now, but it’s much, much slower than just hitting [track] + [clear].
It’s also a bit of a pain because as it is I already have to go load sounds via computer due to having many many times over what the A4 can store internally.

^ yup, an improved or customizable init would be the best. I doubt we’ll see it…(but you never know)

well, as i point out a few posts up, if you want to initialize “single” pages you are stuck with the settings Elektron choose to be default ! it’s also about speed !
it’s not impossible to work around, but the preference is to not have to work around it

well, as i point out a few posts up, if you want to initialize “single” pages you are stuck with the settings Elektron choose to be default ! it’s also about speed !
it’s not impossible to work around, but the preference is to not have to work around it [/quote]
I just read that - yeah, init could use some work. I know there’s a big OS update coming (not sure when), so I hope we’ll see something new with the way init patch/page/kit/etc works

That’s what I do now, but it’s much, much slower than just hitting [track] + [clear].
It’s also a bit of a pain because as it is I already have to go load sounds via computer due to having many many times over what the A4 can store internally.[/quote]
You can also save 4 Sounds in Kit Slots (tracks 1-4) as a way to work around the Sound slot limitation.

That’s what I do now, but it’s much, much slower than just hitting [track] + [clear].
It’s also a bit of a pain because as it is I already have to go load sounds via computer due to having many many times over what the A4 can store internally.[/quote]
You can also save 4 Sounds in Kit Slots (tracks 1-4) as a way to work around the Sound slot limitation. [/quote]
I totally forgot about that. I don’t utilize kits at all currently. Thank you for the reminder.

First: having a custom init patch is very handy! Always starting from an init sound with open filters keeps frustration about patches sounding different when reloading them away.

The feature i use is: When you open the load patch menu or the save patch menu, the cursor will jump to the last used slot. So maybe you can adopt my workaround:

Create an init patch and save it at a prominent place (for me this is patch slot 0) with a good name. “init” may be a good choice. Before you start jammin, load the init patch on one track. Then start playing around. When you now press - you just have to press twice to return to your init sound.

Indeed this is the double amount of klicks, but it will be in your motoric memory very soon.