Analog Four and MicroBrute - How to synch?


I am kind of new to the CV Gate world and was wondering how the following would work. I am trying to synch the internal sequencer of the Arturia Microbrute (slave) with the Analog Four(master) using CV Gate.

So if I output gate or trigger from Analog Four to the Microbrute (Gate in), do I just hit start on the Analog Four and the current pattern starts playing in the correct tempo on the Microbrute.

Or is they way I am thinking about this wrong? Any setup advice would be much appreciated.


Yeah that’s about right but you’ll wanna send pitch too if you want the actual note values sent to the brute.

A fun thing to do is just send gate to the brute - in the brute editor set the sequencer to be driven by cv - then when you start the A4 with some trigs on your cv track, you’ll gate the sequencer in time - you can now switch between the 8 brute sequences in real time and you can record new sequences from the keyboard and have the A4 gate them.

This is just one option - if you send pitch from A4 then all the composition fun happens on the A4. Just decide what works best for you and explore - just scratching the surface here - you’ll want to route some cv from A4 into the brute patch panel at some point too :slight_smile:

Ok awesome thanks! Just read the Microbrute connection manual. Can’t wait to try this out.

you can also use LFOs or whatever you like to trigger the 'brute seq (i think i read that even a hot signal will do it, don’t quote me) - the lfo needn’t be in tempo sync or even steady for an added bit of variety, remember the LFO has phase ! - then there’s a clock divider if you just want regular clock so you can keep your trigs for other jobs :wink: